Business & Finance: What NOT To Post On Social Media

What NOT To Post On Social Media

SOCIAL MEDIA has become the most important method for people to connect with others all over the world. There are millions of individuals who are connected in this network and have been able to keep in touch with family and friends who live on the other side of the globe, just as they do with those

Business & Finance: Your Comments Suck, Learn Why

Your Comments Suck, Learn Why

Do you feel, from deep inside, your comments suck? That feeling, in most cases is, true! Do you want to do something about that? Do you want to learn how you can make your comments and your self more valuable? It is easier than you may think.

Business & Finance: Do You Have a Blog Or Are You a Blog?

Do You Have a Blog Or Are You a Blog?

There is an old saying that is very popular among Internet marketers and that is "content is king."To be certain, truer words have never been spoken as the Internet is driven by words to a large extent.

Business & Finance: Blog For Profit - How is it Possible?

Blog For Profit - How is it Possible?

Blogging has become a way of life for most people. From sharing daily experiences, to making reviews and promoting products, blogging is used in a lot of different disciplines.

Business & Finance: Top Tips for Making Your Blogs Profitable

Top Tips for Making Your Blogs Profitable

Have you ever wondered how to make your blogs profit for you? Learn the tricks of a successful and profitable blog. Whether you are an established blogger or a complete newbie, monetizing your blogs is so simple. Learn how you can get on the inside and start profiting today.

Business & Finance: The Mainstream Media and Blogging

The Mainstream Media and Blogging

Whether you believe it or not, a good handful of the population still have no idea what blogging is all about up until before the success of the Julie and Julia movie. Until this block buster film, maybe a million of the world's population still has no idea that there is a free platform where y

Business & Finance: Tips on Setting Policies for Guest Posts

Tips on Setting Policies for Guest Posts

Guest posting is a win-win process in both guest author and the blog owner. Whichever you are in the two, you always get the benefits of guest posting. The number one benefit of accepting guest post i

Business & Finance: 4 Strategies To Make Your Visitor Stay Longer On Your Blog

4 Strategies To Make Your Visitor Stay Longer On Your Blog

As a blogger, you only get benefit if you visitor is satisfied with the information you serve on your blog in your article content. This will help you reduce your bounce rate (don't worry if you do not know what is bounce rate; it's not the concern here).

Business & Finance: How to Increase the Space Between the Post Title & the Post Body on Blogger

How to Increase the Space Between the Post Title & the Post Body on Blogger

The design of your Blogger site is composed of elements written in PHP, HTML and CSS markup languages, which can be edited using the site’s HTML editor. The space between the post title and the post’s content on your Blogger site is dictated by a CSS element’s "bottom margin&q

Business & Finance: Tips to Power Up Your Relationships in Blogging

Tips to Power Up Your Relationships in Blogging

You've got your blog. Ever wonder how to strengthen the relationships that you've created? Read'll get tips to power up those relationships that are so important in blogging. Bring them up another level for the good of your blog and your business too. Happy Blogging !

Business & Finance: Internet Marketing Through Blogs

Internet Marketing Through Blogs

Marketing on the internet is definitely an important feature in Online businesses. There are various ways and techniques through which Internet Marketing can be easily carried out. Blogs are one such Online marketing technique that are not only beneficial but are also quite an interesting marketing

Business & Finance: For Medical Students - 3 Ways to Make Money Online

For Medical Students - 3 Ways to Make Money Online

Medical students are perhaps the most financially burdened group in the country. Not only is the tuition expensive, their busy schedules essential make holding part-time jobs impossible. A majority of medical students end up with more than $100,000 of student loans. Sure, they may come out of the ho

Business & Finance: Building Blog Readership

Building Blog Readership

Learn different approaches to building a readership blogging. Some of the topics discussed in this article include learning how to become an authority within the niche of your choice.

Business & Finance: Make Money Online With My Computer - Try Blogging For Profit

Make Money Online With My Computer - Try Blogging For Profit

Have you asked yourself recently the question how can I make money online with my computer? This is a common question and the answers are as varied as the number of people asking them. One thing I would suggest is you try blogging for profit.

Business & Finance: Ways to Make Money Blogging

Ways to Make Money Blogging

Make money blogging is an easy stuff. However, there are too much services that you can join. Which one should you join? Check it out in this article.

Business & Finance: Invite Comments To Build Your Blog And Sell More At Your Website

Invite Comments To Build Your Blog And Sell More At Your Website

If you want your blog and website to grow and sell more, invite your visitors to leave their comments on your blog posts. It is not uncommon that you have a blog as your sub-domain of your website nowadays. Most internet marketer uses blog as their platform to make their contents fresh and alive wit

Business & Finance: Blogs Promotion Efforts - Avoid Mismatched Expectations

Blogs Promotion Efforts - Avoid Mismatched Expectations

Blogs are the easiest publishing platform on the Internet and the fastest way to potentially reach millions of other people across continents and time zones. However blogs fail ordinary users most of the time, mainly because of the sheer number of blogs out there, the competition and lack of promoti