Business & Finance: WordPress Website - Using the WordPress Dashboard

WordPress Website - Using the WordPress Dashboard

I would like to congratulate you on building your WordPress website and commend you for the actions you have taken to get Your Home Biz up and running the easiest way. In this article and video I am going to explain the WordPress Dashboard.

Business & Finance: "Blogging" the Lazy Man Way of Making Money

"Blogging" the Lazy Man Way of Making Money

There are several ways to make money on the internet, but there is one I call "The Lazy man Way" very funny really I know you agree with me better still you may want to ask me why? Why? Well I said because out of so many ways to make money, blogging remains the easiest way to make money on

Business & Finance: Some Smashing Tips to Make Your Blog Popular

Some Smashing Tips to Make Your Blog Popular

This article provides useful guideline to optimize your blog or website to make it popular.If you are having a website or blog then you must read these awesome tips.

Business & Finance: 6 Steps to a Great Blog Post

6 Steps to a Great Blog Post

As of 2010, there are close to a billion blogs on the internet worldwide. It's up to you to publish posts that are going to be noticed and read. When someone enjoys a post they enjoy or learn from, they may say to themselves that they should revisit your site in the future. If your post stands

Business & Finance: 30 Best Sites For Making Money With Your Blog

30 Best Sites For Making Money With Your Blog

Over the years I have been doing tons of research getting my blogs to take off. I wanted to create some nice niche blogs that could make money on a consistent basis. I have compiled a list of the best sites I have found for making money online with your blog.

Business & Finance: How To Make Money With A Blog

How To Make Money With A Blog

In the past, the main method of making money with a blog was through traditional banner advertisements. Then, along came pay per click (PPC) advertisements and affiliate advertising programs. While these were nice innovations they hardly represented the "final word" on the methods in which

Business & Finance: Tips for Setting Up a Blog on Your Website

Tips for Setting Up a Blog on Your Website

Blogging can be a great way to get traffic to your website. Web designers prefer to make a blog or add a blog to their website under a sub-domain because it adds back links. Back links are an important aspect of SEO and Page Rank.

Business & Finance: 5 Tips For Increasing Your Blog Readership

5 Tips For Increasing Your Blog Readership

Many businesses and business owners view blogging as a waste of time, but there are specific ways you can turn your blog into a moneymaking venture. In order to make money from your blog, you have to accomplish two things. First, you have to drive a significant amount of traffic to your blog. Second

Business & Finance: Blogging Guidelines For Bloggers

Blogging Guidelines For Bloggers

Like most accounts, blogging accounts have their own guidelines too. Whether you use Blogger, Wordpress or both, they have their own terms and conditions you need to comply before posting your first c

Business & Finance: The Secret Guide to Comment Marketing

The Secret Guide to Comment Marketing

Comment Marketing is probably very unheard of. In its simplest form, it merely involves commenting on blogs and leaving personal opinions on a competition's posts.

Business & Finance: How to Make Your Navbar Scroll Down on a Blogger

How to Make Your Navbar Scroll Down on a Blogger

By default, the navigation bar on your Blogger website disappears when you scroll down on the page. This navigation menu includes important features such as a search field and a share button. You can keep this bar visible at all times using Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS. Use the tools in your Blogg

Business & Finance: Blogging Tips - Top 10 Ways to Promote Your Blog

Blogging Tips - Top 10 Ways to Promote Your Blog

So, how much traffic are you driving to your blog? Now, in order to have a blog that produces a massive amount of traffic for your business and then turning that traffic into a massive amount of traffic, you need to promote it.

Business & Finance: The Benefits of Writing a Blog Series

The Benefits of Writing a Blog Series

Single blog postings are effective and interesting. People benefit a great deal from reading independent, educational articles that stand on their own and offer sound advice and a solution to problems. A series of blogs adds a whole new twist.

Business & Finance: A Newbie's Guide to Blog Basics

A Newbie's Guide to Blog Basics

Whether you build a blog to make money, or just to have your say, you need to understand the basics to be able to create one that people will want to visit over and over again. Once you master the basics, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to speak about and make great posts that will ent

Business & Finance: 3 Elements of a Successful Blog

3 Elements of a Successful Blog

Establishing a successful blog can take on different meanings for different people! In most cases however successful blogging sites all have a few things in common starting with content quality! Read further to see the 3 elements you'll want your site to contain in order for it to be both popul

Business & Finance: Desktop Wallpaprs

Desktop Wallpaprs

House of Quality Wallpapers. We provide you a 10 000 + high definition wallpapers including 3D, Art, Anime and Others. Just download wallpapers and Decorate your Desktop now.

Business & Finance: 4 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

4 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Starting and maintaining a blog is actually quite simple in this day and age. However, there can be mistakes made. Some of the mistakes made in blogging can harm the blog's reputation to the point to where it will never be successful. A blog failure is very hard to recover from so there are com