Whether you build a blog to make money, or just to have your say, you need to understand the basics to be able to create one that people will want to visit over and over again.
Once you master the basics, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to speak about and make great posts that will entice your readers.
The term comes from the (relatively) old term, "web log.
" This term came to pass when people started typing up their thoughts on any subject they felt like ranting about, and posting it to the web for all to see.
Since then, "web logs" have evolved into a phenomenon of gigantic proportions.
For various reasons, blogging is becoming more popular than building regular web sites.
For one thing, the search engines love them for the simple fact that new content is added on a regular basis.
Being listed in the search engines is very important to any blogger because it means free web traffic.
You'll need to decide on a "Platform" on which to build your blog.
Word Press is by far the most popular.
It's free, user friendly, and search engine friendly.
You can even use Word Press's free hosting.
Most people, however, choose to use their own web host.
Using your own web host gives you more freedom and it allows you to have your own domain name.
A web host is simply where you host your site.
Basically, you pay for space on the internet to put your files up so your site can be viewed online.
It allows you to have an address on the web.
There are free web hosts, but they usually place advertising on your web pages.
There are fee web hosts that are seriously cheap, like less than $5 per month, and they're easy to find.
Just go to Google and conduct a search for "web hosting.
" You'll get more than you could ever have the time to look at.
The only "must-have" in a web host for a newbie who will begin blogging is a program called "Fantasico.
" Fantastico is a software program offered by most web hosts that allows you to install Word Press, and many other programs for that matter, with just a couple of mouse clicks.
Without Fantastico, you'll need to be pretty technically savvy to be able to install Word Press manually.
Your "domain name" is your web address.
For instance, Google.
com is domain name.
Ideally, you'll want to choose a domain name that reflects the subject of your blog.
And, domain names can also be had inexpensively.
You can get a domain name for under ten bucks a year.
Once you've gotten your web hosting and domain name, the fun begins.
Now you get to do the actual building.
There are thousands of free and fee Word Press themes available, all with different looks and color schemes.
You'll also come across the term "plug in.
" A plug in is just a small software program that works with Word Press to allow you to do some pretty cool stuff with your blog.
They're a lot of fun and can save you time and make things easier for you, too.
Once you master the basics, you'll have the confidence and knowledge to speak about and make great posts that will entice your readers.
The term comes from the (relatively) old term, "web log.
" This term came to pass when people started typing up their thoughts on any subject they felt like ranting about, and posting it to the web for all to see.
Since then, "web logs" have evolved into a phenomenon of gigantic proportions.
For various reasons, blogging is becoming more popular than building regular web sites.
For one thing, the search engines love them for the simple fact that new content is added on a regular basis.
Being listed in the search engines is very important to any blogger because it means free web traffic.
You'll need to decide on a "Platform" on which to build your blog.
Word Press is by far the most popular.
It's free, user friendly, and search engine friendly.
You can even use Word Press's free hosting.
Most people, however, choose to use their own web host.
Using your own web host gives you more freedom and it allows you to have your own domain name.
A web host is simply where you host your site.
Basically, you pay for space on the internet to put your files up so your site can be viewed online.
It allows you to have an address on the web.
There are free web hosts, but they usually place advertising on your web pages.
There are fee web hosts that are seriously cheap, like less than $5 per month, and they're easy to find.
Just go to Google and conduct a search for "web hosting.
" You'll get more than you could ever have the time to look at.
The only "must-have" in a web host for a newbie who will begin blogging is a program called "Fantasico.
" Fantastico is a software program offered by most web hosts that allows you to install Word Press, and many other programs for that matter, with just a couple of mouse clicks.
Without Fantastico, you'll need to be pretty technically savvy to be able to install Word Press manually.
Your "domain name" is your web address.
For instance, Google.
com is domain name.
Ideally, you'll want to choose a domain name that reflects the subject of your blog.
And, domain names can also be had inexpensively.
You can get a domain name for under ten bucks a year.
Once you've gotten your web hosting and domain name, the fun begins.
Now you get to do the actual building.
There are thousands of free and fee Word Press themes available, all with different looks and color schemes.
You'll also come across the term "plug in.
" A plug in is just a small software program that works with Word Press to allow you to do some pretty cool stuff with your blog.
They're a lot of fun and can save you time and make things easier for you, too.