Business & Finance: Blogging For Beginners: Why Start A Blog?

Blogging For Beginners: Why Start A Blog?

These days blogs have evolved to have many different uses. For the most part it could be marketing or it could just be distribution of content. Whether or not it's called a blog is another discussion. For example one could argue that using twitter is a form of blogging. Or updating Facebook sta

Business & Finance: How To Write An Effective Blog

How To Write An Effective Blog

The hardest part about starting a blog is just that-starting it! I won't say keeping it updated and always giving the best to your readers is easy, but once you learn how to write an effective blog, it will start to roll like a snow ball. But there are some steps that you should keep in mind wh

Business & Finance: Effective Content Marketing

Effective Content Marketing

At the root of content marketing is a clear understanding of what your customers need and the ability to satisfy their needs in an informative, compelling manner. Your content should be engaging and should promote further discussions.

Business & Finance: Podcasting With a Co-Host

Podcasting With a Co-Host

Having more than one host on a podcast can add a tremendous amount of value to your podcast. In this article we talk about the logistics of podcasting with a co-host and some of the perks and pitfalls to keep in mind.

Business & Finance: Which to Choose - Blogger Or WordPress?

Which to Choose - Blogger Or WordPress?

Blogging has become a very popular method for sharing knowledge, discuss viewpoints, personalize your business and increase the opportunity for inbound links and traffic. Given the increasing popularity of blogging today, it has become imperative that you choose the perfect medium for posting your b

Business & Finance: Podcasting & Web Site Traffic: Can It Work for You?

Podcasting & Web Site Traffic: Can It Work for You?

The possibilities of podcast are being overlooked by many.The rate at which technology is advancing is opening up new opportunities to gain a large audience.Podcasting is simply broadcasting an mp3 on a website that people can download and listen to.It has been said to be the audio version of bloggi

Business & Finance: Blogging - Not Just For Fun Anymore

Blogging - Not Just For Fun Anymore

Blogging is something that people are using for many different things. They use it to keep in touch with their friends and family, to exchange ideas and stories, and to express their feelings. They tell people about what is going on in their life and what is happening in their part of the world.

Business & Finance: The Most Powerful Way to Get Traffic For Blog

The Most Powerful Way to Get Traffic For Blog

If you want to get traffic for blog, the most powerful way to do it is to write promotional articles about the subject matter of your blog. You then will need to submit the promotional articles to reputable ezine publishers and article directories.However, if you want promotional articles to work fo

Business & Finance: 10 WordPress Plugins You Need On Your Blog

10 WordPress Plugins You Need On Your Blog

If you're running your website or blog with WordPress you've probably discovered that the real fun and power of the system is in the many options offered by plugins. Here are 10 that I can't live without--you might like them, too.

Business & Finance: Blogging Ideas Every New Online Marketer Should Know

Blogging Ideas Every New Online Marketer Should Know

You can make money using quite a few methods online, and blogging obviously has been a mainstay for a long time. But the very first thing that tends to trick the beginners is the amount of learning needed to be successful at blogging.

Business & Finance: Attribute Options on WordPress

Attribute Options on WordPress

WordPress offers page attributes to change Page options as well as the ability to change the attributes located in the footer section. Page attribute options include parent and child options, page templates and page order. All of these options are located on each Edit Page Web page within the WordPr

Business & Finance: How Often Should You Post to Your Blog?

How Often Should You Post to Your Blog?

How often should you post to your blog is a great question. Posting to your blog is very important and you probably want to do it right. So I write this article, " How often should you post to your blog."

Business & Finance: How to Make Templates for Blogger

How to Make Templates for Blogger

Blogger is a free Web-based blogging tool that allows users to share thoughts, links, photos and videos. Many Blogger blogs have the subdomain "" -- although users who pay a fee can have it removed from the URL. Making a template in Blogger is a relatively simple process and ca

Business & Finance: WordPress Spacing Issues

WordPress Spacing Issues

WordPress is a content management system that allows users to organize text, photos and other media on their website easily and efficiently. Unlike pages that are built with HTML or CSS, WordPress has all the coding preinstalled. Users choose from a variety of options to customize their site. Wordpr

Business & Finance: Get More Blog Comments Today

Get More Blog Comments Today

If you have a blog, you might want more comments. Find out a few tips you can use that will increase the number of comments on each post.