Cars & Vehicles: How to Do Vertical Parking

How to Do Vertical Parking

Vertical parking or parallel parking as it is sometimes called, can make some drivers nervous. This usually means a driver has to park in between two already parked cars, causing frustration if the space is too small. After a little practice, vertical parking can be easy, but time and patience is ne

Cars & Vehicles: Parts of a Jet Plane

Parts of a Jet Plane

Modern jets allow hundreds of people at a time to travel to virtually any destination around the world in mere hours. It takes tens of thousands of costly precision parts and meticulous assembly methods to build a single aircraft. The discrete parts comprise major sections that work together to ena

Cars & Vehicles: How to Deal With an Icy Windshield While Driving

How to Deal With an Icy Windshield While Driving

Driving requires you to deal with the elements including rain, fog, ice and snow. Ice forms on your windshield when temperatures fall below freezing, making it very difficult -- if not impossible -- to see the road, resulting in hazardous driving conditions. Before you can safely continue toward you

Cars & Vehicles: Is It Time to Take a Defensive Driving Austin Course

Is It Time to Take a Defensive Driving Austin Course

The best way to avoid getting into an accident or catching the eye of an Austin highway patrol trooper will be remaining diligent about always practicing your defensive driving abilities. As long as you're staying ...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Build a Flame Effect

How to Build a Flame Effect

From burning buildings to burning words, flame effects are essential in any graphic designer's toolbox. There are many ways to create flame effects in Photoshop. Some of them only work with text, others only work with specific kinds of objects. This technique will work with any well-defined shape. A

Cars & Vehicles: Cars for Teen Drivers

Cars for Teen Drivers

When buying a vehicle, safety and reliability are important considerations, especially if it's for a young driver, since they usually do not have a lot of driving experience or money. When shopping for a car ...

Cars & Vehicles: Differences Between a Jeep CJ5 & CJ7

Differences Between a Jeep CJ5 & CJ7

Jeeps CJ5 and CJ7 have slight differences.woman in open jeep image by Inger Anne Hulb?|kdal from Fotolia.comJeeps are a type of off-road vehicle. There are a variety of Jeeps available on the market, and each year produces new Jeeps. The CJ5 and CJ7 Jeeps are civilian Jeep models that...

Cars & Vehicles: Where Can I Take My Drivers Test?

Where Can I Take My Drivers Test?

Although most people complete their driver training at a private driving school, there are other options for getting licensed. No matter which route a person takes, she should make sure she knows the rules of the road before applying for a license.

Cars & Vehicles: Autobody Restoration Tips

Autobody Restoration Tips

A good auto body restoration job can be the envy of auto enthusiasts.a car in a car show image by Gary from Fotolia.comRestoring an old vehicle can be an economical way to have your dream car, or a way to practice your craft as an auto body technician or at-home mechanic. Performing a...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Diagnose an Olds Intrigue Traction Control

How to Diagnose an Olds Intrigue Traction Control

The traction control system on your Oldsmobile Intrigue helps provide vehicle stability by monitoring and controlling lateral friction. This means that the traction control helps you do a better job of acceleration. When the system senses that your wheels will slip during acceleration, it automatica

Cars & Vehicles: What Is the Difference Between the Horsepower of a Mustang GT and Ford Cobra?

What Is the Difference Between the Horsepower of a Mustang GT and Ford Cobra?

Ford Mustangs have been around since the mid 1960s and have captured the attention of car lovers everywhere with every make and model. Two popular versions are the Mustang GT and the Cobra. Both have long histories with comparable horsepower and have been improved throughout Ford's history.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Drive Defensively

How to Drive Defensively

As drivers, we often ignore the golden rule of driving safely and defensively. There are many reasons why we don't drive defensively. Perhaps we have become too complacent, or perhaps we're in a hurry. When we ignore the opportunity to drive safely, we place our lives and the lives of others in a da

Cars & Vehicles: Things That Make You Fail Your Driving Test

Things That Make You Fail Your Driving Test

Passing your driver's test is a rite of passage for many young adults. Because driving safety standards vary from state to state, it is not uncommon for some states to boast high failure rates. According to 2010 GMAC Insurance rankings, Kansas leads with the best drivers while New Yorkers are listed

Cars & Vehicles: How to Unlock a GMC Truck Door

How to Unlock a GMC Truck Door

GMC manufactures many types of trucks, both lightweight and heavy duty. All GMC doors are lockable, keeping your truck and its contents safe when you are not around. The door locks also ensure that doors do not open during transportation, and help to prevent the vehicle's occupants from ejection dur

Cars & Vehicles: How to Troubleshoot Power Seats

How to Troubleshoot Power Seats

Some cars are equipped with power seats. They can be used to provide custom support for the individual body characteristics of the driver and passenger. Some power seats are also heated with power-operated electrical elements. Problems with the power seats can include, finding the controls, adjustin

Cars & Vehicles: Car Safety Procedures

Car Safety Procedures

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, there were 37,261 traffic fatalities in the U.S. in 2008. Those statistics could be decreased dramatically, however, if drivers would educate themselves with a few safety tips when maintaining and operating a vehicle.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Shift a Toyota Into 4WD

How to Shift a Toyota Into 4WD

Four-wheel-drive capabilities allow a vehicle's motor to provide power to all four wheels, which helps improve traction in a variety of driving conditions including snow and mud. Toyota manufactures a wide array of four-wheel-drive vehicles including pickups and sport utility vehicles. Although the

Cars & Vehicles: Take Tips for Driving Test to Pass the Test

Take Tips for Driving Test to Pass the Test

Many first-time driving license seekers take driving lessons from driving schools or driving coaches who prepare them for the written as well as the practical test. Most driving schools give their students tips for test ...