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The Differences Between a CJ, YJ & TJ Jeep

    Early CJ Jeeps

    • Early CJ models had a flat front fender like this earlier military model.Voiture Jeep image by foxytoul from

      The first jeep designated "CJ" was built by Willys. There is no definitive record of a CJ-1, but the CJ-2 was built in 1944 and 45 and said "Agrijeeps" on its data plate. The CJ-2A was built in 1944 and 1945. The CJ-2A was built from 1945-49. The CJ-3A was built from 1949-53 and the CJ-3B was built from 1953-68. All of these jeeps can be easily distinguished by their flat front fenders. Instead of curving over the front wheel, the front fenders were flat and horizontal. The CJ-4 exists as a single model prototype built in 1951--it also has flat front fenders.

    "Modern" CJs

    YJ Jeeps

    • The YJ Wrangler had square headlights.YJ image by Freya from

      The YJ series were Wranglers. They came with five-speed manual or three-speed automatic transmissions. The YJ series offered transfer cases named Command Trac that allowed you to choose between two- or four-wheel drive. The YJ series is easily distinguished by its square headlights and swing-out tailgate. Like the CJ, the YJ also used leaf-spring suspension front and rear.

    TJ Jeeps

    • The TJ series began production in 1997 and retained the name "Wrangler." All models produced since 1997 are TJs. The TJ reverted to round headlights and sported a new suspension. Each wheel has an upper and lower control link with coils instead of leaf springs. The TJ series came stock with a five-speed manual or three-speed automatic transmission. Command Trac for selecting two- or four-wheel drive was standard.

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