Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

Beginner Driver Course From Driving School in Toronto Makes You Confident On the Road

Beginner Driver Course in Toronto helps in honing the skills of the drivers and making them confident on the roads. These courses include class room training as well as in-car training which are conducted by professional instructors.

Learning the skills of driving is both exciting and at the same time it is a huge challenge. It is exciting because driving a car makes it convenient for you to move around in the city. The challenge is to drive the vehicle safely and adhering to all the rules. You need to assure your own safety, that of your co-passengers and other vehicles on the road. As a beginner the progress of driving lessons will depend a lot on the driving school in Toronto that you choose. When your skills are honed in an organized manner it makes you a lot more confident on the road where you can deal with all situations that come your way. While there are a number of GTA driving schools you need to be extremely choosy while enrolling for a course. Let's discuss a few important things that a beginner's driving course from driving school in Toronto downtown would include.

The Basics

The MTO approved BDE course includes classroom and in-vehicle training. These courses consist of a minimum of 20 hours in-class, 10 hours in-vehicle and 10 hours of flexible instruction. Both the classroom training and in-vehicle training would be given by a well-qualified instructor. A professional driving school Toronto downtown would teach different types of driving skills that you need to possess while driving on the roads. These include Defensive and Pro-active driving skills. A well-organized driving course would teach you these skills and polish them.
Classroom Driving Instruction
Before you sit behind the wheels of a vehicle it is important that you have basic knowledge in how a car handles, the traffic rules that govern the country and Greater Toronto Area in particular. Ministry of Transportation makes it mandatory for every school to offer classroom instruction to the students. Professional instructors would make use of slides, charts and videos to train you on the different facets of driving a vehicle around in the city. These extensive classroom sessions would ease your in-vehicle driving.

In Car Training

After you grasped the basics of driving and are aware of all the rules and fundamentals that govern driving you would hit the road. In these in-car driving sessions you will always have qualified instructors by your side. They will further polish your skills and teach you different ways of handling a car as per the demand of the situation. These would include driving the car within the city, in the freeway and in the country roads. Each of these situations demand a different type of driving and you would be given practical training on these.

Overcoming Bad Habits

People with prior driving skills can also benefit from this training program. Most people who don't undergo a training program tend to develop bad habits. This increases the chances of accidents and violation of traffic rules. Professional instructors help in overcoming bad habits on the road.

Get Rewarded

When you take an MTO-approved Beginner Driver Education Course at a driving school all G1 licence holders can qualify for a four-month reduction in the 12-month minimum G1-licensing period. Apart from this you can also benefit from a potential reduction in insurance premiums.
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