Health & Medical: Know The Causes of Gout

Know The Causes of Gout

There are many causes of gout. But, the primary cause is when there is a build up of uric acid on the joints. The elevated level of uric acid is referred to as hyperuricemia which starts when the liver produces lots of uric acid and the body can no longer eliminate it.

Health & Medical: Joint Pain

Joint Pain

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of joint pain, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Change That Doesn't Jingle

Change That Doesn't Jingle

Here on the East Coast a sign that summer is fading is the constant music of the tree cicadas awaking us in the morning and serenading us at night. In spite of this signaling of the beginning of the end of summer, I could think of no better song with which to exit the season. The chorus of the roari

Health & Medical: Free From Pain Using a Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Free From Pain Using a Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief nowadays is still considered taboo in the medicine world. It is a hippie medicine or witchcraft. However, the uses of the natural remedies are getting popular because of the low to no side effects it offers.

Health & Medical: Exercise to Treat Arthritis

Exercise to Treat Arthritis

WebMD describes the benefits of exercising with arthritis. Learn about range-of-motion, strengthening, endurance, and other types of exercise routines.

Health & Medical: Warnings Added For Enbrel

Warnings Added For Enbrel

In a FDA Talk Paper, physicians were advised about new safety concerns regarding the use of Enbrel, the first of a new class of drugs for rheumatoid arthritis known as biologic response modifiers.

Health & Medical: Ankylosing Spondylitis-Treatment Overview

Ankylosing Spondylitis-Treatment Overview

Treatment for ankylosing spondylitis focuses on relieving pain and stiffness, reducing inflammation, keeping the condition from getting worse, and enabling you to continue daily activities.

Health & Medical: Can Psoriasis Be Responsible For Arthritis?

Can Psoriasis Be Responsible For Arthritis?

There are a number of diseases, which have been associated to paving the platform for arthritis. They believe that there are numerous autoimmune diseases, which can cause arthritis.

Health & Medical: How Liquid Intake Causes-Affects-Helps Cure Gout?

How Liquid Intake Causes-Affects-Helps Cure Gout?

Since our bodies rely heavily on the urinary system to rid us of excess Uric Acid, it is easy to understand why good hydration and fluid balance is so important. The balance of fluids in our systems plays an integral role in Gout prevention, cure and gout treatment.

Health & Medical: Stephen Paget's Highlight for ACR 2008: Part 2

Stephen Paget's Highlight for ACR 2008: Part 2

Stephen Paget, MD, on some of the studies and new developments at the 2008 ACR meeting. Role of vitamin D in inflammatory diseases, gout, and spondyloarthropathies are some of the studies highlighted.

Health & Medical: Tai Chi May Ease Knee Pain

Tai Chi May Ease Knee Pain

A new study shows the ancient Chinese movement art of tai chi can help ease knee pain in people who have severe osteoarthritis.

Health & Medical: Spices for Winter Joint Health

Spices for Winter Joint Health

The cold winds of winter bring snow and fun, but they can also cause joint pain to worsen. When joint pain becomes difficult to deal with it's easy to miss out on all the joy and love this wonderful season has to offer. Changes in the atmosphere's barometric pressure can cause minor joint