Health & Medical: Septic Arthritis Therapy

Septic Arthritis Therapy

Septic arthritis, also known as infectious arthritis, is caused by bacteria in a joint. It may be the result of leaching of a prior infection in the joint, It commonly attacks the knee and can cause severe pain. Treatments of septic arthritis include a regimen of antibiotics and draining the infect

Health & Medical: Severe Arthritis Linked to Cancer Risk

Severe Arthritis Linked to Cancer Risk

Rheumatoid arthritis patients with the most severe disease are roughly 70 times more likely to develop lymphoma, a type of cancer, than patients with mild disease, according to research from Sweden.

Health & Medical: 3 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Gout

3 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Gout

After suffering your first attack of gout, you're going to want to have a long talk with your doctor about avoiding repeat episodes. Here are three important questions that you should put on your list when you go for a checkup.

Health & Medical: Gout Diet - Limit Foods With High Purine to Avoid Obesity

Gout Diet - Limit Foods With High Purine to Avoid Obesity

If you enjoy drinking beer or any other form of alcohol with your friends, or if you enjoy eating foods such as scallops, gravies, game meats, or liver and kidneys, then you might be in danger of developing gout. Gout is a disease characterized by sharp pains in joints and extremities caused by high

Health & Medical: Ways In Treating Arthritis

Ways In Treating Arthritis

Majority of the adult people are already experiencing joint and back pain because of hard work. However, there are also some young adults, which are as well also experiencing this health problem. Often, they can no longer do all their daily activities because of the pain that they have. For them to

Health & Medical: Mold and Arthritis

Mold and Arthritis

If you are living in a home riddled with mold, you are apt to get sick, and you may end up with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or other serious illnesses.

Health & Medical: Discover the Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Foot Arthritis

Discover the Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Foot Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that affects many areas of the body. It can affect hands, shoulders, legs and even feet. Two of the most commonly affected joints by arthritis are the ankle and foot. As you can imagine, these areas can be very painful and have a substantial effect on an affected person&apos

Health & Medical: Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid factor (RF) blood test measures the amount of the RF antibody present in most people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Health & Medical: Preventing Arthritis

Preventing Arthritis

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is also known as degenerative joint disease.Eighty percent of people over 50 years of age experience this type of arthritis, which can also begin in teenage years.

Health & Medical: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Drinking - Toxic Triggers, and Treatment For Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Drinking - Toxic Triggers, and Treatment For Pain

Drinking alcohol can have negative consequences for your health. However, when you are in pain from rheumatoid arthritis, an occasional cocktail can be devastating. Understand the deep-rooted links between arthritis and drinking, and how to treat yourself for greater health.

Health & Medical: Surgical Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis of Hips

Surgical Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis of Hips

Arthritis of the hip may range from earliest mild stages to its most severe crippling form. In its milder stage, arthritis can be treated with steroids and anti-rheumatoid medications, heat treatment, exercise, supportive devices and modification of activities. But, in severe cases where the cartila

Health & Medical: Homeopathic Remedies For Gout Attacks

Homeopathic Remedies For Gout Attacks

Homeopathy is a medicine society that believes in administering non-toxic treatments for many illnesses and diseases. This type of treatment can be used to relieve pain for many conditions. There are licensed doctors in the field of homeopathy that prescribe homeopathic remedies for gout attacks. So

Health & Medical: New Advances In Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

New Advances In Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

The following paragraphs detail a drug-free approach to the management of psoriatic arthritis. Alternative medicine or natural cures have always been a particular interest of mine. I think that modern medicine handles medical emergencies of things like stitches and broken bones very well. Where it c

Health & Medical: Food Items That Should Be Included In Rheumatoid Arthritis And Diet

Food Items That Should Be Included In Rheumatoid Arthritis And Diet

Several medical speculations are extremely concerned to find out the exact roots of rheumatoid arthritis; although, it's very apparent that this is an unrelieved arthritis of the joints that are swelled and originates huge amount of pain along with rigidity experienced by the sufferer. Moreover