Health & Medical: Gout Symptoms and Gout Relief

Gout Symptoms and Gout Relief

Trying to keep an eye out for symptoms of gout but don't know exactly what to look for? Look for gout symptoms and you can find out if you have it or not, and then take proper steps on how to cure it entirely.

Health & Medical: Arthritis Treatment: Biosimilar Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis Treatment: Biosimilar Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common inflammatory form of arthritis and affects approximately two million Americans. Until about seventeen years ago, the primary treatment modalities available for rheumatoid arthritis allowed some control of disease but patients rarely went into complete remissio

Health & Medical: Arthritis Causes, Healthy Treatment and Prevention

Arthritis Causes, Healthy Treatment and Prevention

This article discusses what causes arthritis and what can you do you decrease joint pains and increase joint mobility. It also discusses the critical vitamins, nutrients and supplements that are important to the body to help in the prevention and cure of arthritis.

Health & Medical: Ask the Experts - Sjögren's Syndrome and Tongue Enlargement

Ask the Experts - Sjögren's Syndrome and Tongue Enlargement

In Sjögren's syndrome, is there any enlargement of the lingual papillae? A 65-year-old woman has osteoporosis, severe xerostomy from Sjögren's syndrome, and dysphagia caused by enlargement of the papillae of the distal portion of the tongue. Corticosteroids were suggested but ...

Health & Medical: Arthritis - Lessen the Pain of an Arthritic Neck

Arthritis - Lessen the Pain of an Arthritic Neck

Neck arthritis is most often osteoarthritis, which over time means a wearing down of cartilage in the neck. A breakdown of the material between the bones is responsible for this condition. Multiple stress injuries that produce hyper-extension or hyper flexion of the neck can often result in the deve

Health & Medical: Omega-3 and Arthritis

Omega-3 and Arthritis

We've all heard of it, and seen it prominently displayed as being present in certain brands of margarine and even milk and eggs, but what is omega 3? Omega 3 is good for treating many conditions, from heart disease to asthma and even some forms of cancer. It is also an excellent natural defence

Health & Medical: Options for Joint Pain Relief

Options for Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain is a common symptom that many people experience and it is related to numerous conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, bursitis and injuries. The discomfort associated with these conditions can range from mild to debilitating and may be acute or chronic.

Health & Medical: Three Natural Arthritis Pain Relievers

Three Natural Arthritis Pain Relievers

When it comes to arthritispain relief there are some specific food preferences which can give you unbelievable pain relief in the long run. Healthy joints start with what you feed your body.

Health & Medical: How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

Millions of people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, but nearly half of them recognize the disease condition. Sad to say, only few people know how to manage it. Worst, many of the sufferers do not consult their health care provider to learn more about this condition, even though they are craving for

Health & Medical: 3 Frequent Origins of Shoulder Joint Pain

3 Frequent Origins of Shoulder Joint Pain

If you've ever suffered from shoulder joint pain then you know how excruciatingly painful it can be. However, it's crucial to understand the various causes of such aches, in order to determine the best treatments. Here are some of the most common types of aches related to joints in shoulde

Health & Medical: Treatment of Osteoarthritis That You Ought to Know

Treatment of Osteoarthritis That You Ought to Know

Osteoarthritis is a popular type of arthritis that originates due to breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage within the bones. Hands, feet, large weight-bearing joints, and spine are commonly affected by this type of arthritis.

Health & Medical: Why Gout Diet Foods Don't Have To Be Boring

Why Gout Diet Foods Don't Have To Be Boring

This is true. Gout diet foods don't need to be boring. Here, you'll discover a summary of food types you can eat as part of your gout diet. And why a good, healthy diet for gout is so important.