Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Can Psoriasis Be Responsible For Arthritis?

Arthritis in itself is an autoimmune type of disease.
One of these autoimmune varieties is Psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be defined as one of those skin diseases where particular type of cells in our skin starts growing at a much faster rate.
This skin growth, which is actually out of control, can cause the formation of scale like areas on patches of skin.
This formation is mainly due to the collection of the dying cells in those areas.
This portion of the skin starts flaking off once the cells begin to shed.
Doctors have found out that Psoriasis can be tagged as one of the autoimmune diseases where your own body starts to react against the organ, which in this case is the skin.
However, is it possible that a skin disease, similar to Psoriasis, can actually be responsible for causing another autoimmune disease, Arthritis.
In this case, the answer is actually and unfortunately in the affirmative.
Psoriatic Arthritis is an arthritis type, which is actually the end result of such a scenario.
It is clearly visible with the name that the individual is suffering from both arthritis and psoriasis.
In most of the cases, psoriasis appears before the formation of arthritis; the period can be a year of more than that.
However, you should know that not all the people suffering from psoriasis have arthritis.
The current recorded figure is close to 30 percent.
Arthritis can be defined as the disease affecting the joints.
It leads to stiffness and swelling in your joints.
There are a number of types of psoriasis arthritis, which do not have an affect on all the joints, whereas others affect everything.
People, in certain cases, can even experience symmetrical joint pain.
This is the case where the same joints on either side of your body get affected.
However, the most common form is the pain in the asymmetrical joint.
This means that there are only certain joints that can get affected; for example, one wrist and one hip.
It is quite visible that Psoriasis can cause Arthritis.
So, you should always consult a physician to be on the safer side and free your joints from excessive swelling, stiffness and pain.
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