- Reach out to your father by making an effort to initiate conversations and activities year round. Even if you live far away, make a surprise phone call, write an email or mail a small, unexpected gift. Adult children who live closer to their fathers can propose a get together with their father, such as going out to breakfast or for a coffee date. Considering surprising your father by purchasing tickets to one of his favorite events, such as a movie or a concert he would enjoy.
- Surprise your father by honoring him with a thoughtful gift. Gifts do not have to be elaborate or expensive to honor a father. Considering purchasing a newly released book or album by his favorite author or band. Thoughtful gifts can also be inexpensively made at home. Compile an electronic or hard copy scrapbook of photographic memories. Surprising your father by baking his favorite dessert or cooking a favorite meal can be an inexpensive way to show your appreciation for him.
- Offering to help your father with his routine maintenance projects and chores can be a great way to express appreciation for him and to show you honor him. Yard work, cleaning windows and other home maintenance tasks can be less time-consuming when undertaken with a partner. If your father is facing financial difficulty or mobility issues, assisting with routine chores can be a significant source of support. Surprise your father by going grocery shopping for him, filling his gas tank or taking the vehicle for routine maintenance or an oil change.
- Affirm your father's role in your life by honoring him with your talents and abilities. An individual with a penchant for writing can compose a thoughtful poem or letter about his appreciation for his father. The musically inclined can consider composing a song in honor of their father. Make an effort to demonstrate respect for your father by involving him in your endeavors and accomplishments. Extend an invitation to musical performances, sporting events or art exhibit openings.
Reach Out
Thoughtful Gifts
Helping Out
Affirm Him