Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Negligent Hiring Practices Lawsuits

Employers have a responsibility to choose employees who can not only do their jobs well, but who can also complete their jobs safely without putting others in danger.
While employers can't predict the future, they can use a prospective employee's history to determine if he or she may be a risk to the company, other workers, or the public.
If an employee behaves in a reckless or negligent manner and harms another person, and the company knew that the worker was a risk, the business may be liable for negligent hiring practices.
Examples of Negligent Hiring Negligent hiring is the act of selecting an unqualified employee for a position.
Hiring in this manner is dangerous because the worker's lack of qualifications, experience, or discipline could later lead to a serious accident.
For example, hiring an unqualified individual to use a highly technical piece of machinery could lead to a major industrial accident and injuries.
Alternatively, hiring a commercial driver with a history of reckless driving or DUIs could later result in a serious accident that could have been anticipated by properly reviewing the worker's history.
Accident Liability If an unqualified worker causes an accident that results in injuries or damages, the company may be held liable and may be required to issue compensation to the victims.
An experienced personal injury lawyer can work with victims to help them determine who is responsible for their injuries and will fight to ensure that they receive the compensation that they need.
Compensation may include payment for medical bills, lost wages from time off of work, property damage, recovery costs, and pain and suffering.
For More Information To learn more about negligent hiring lawsuits and accident liability, visit the website of the Kankakee personal injury lawyers of Spiros & Wall, P.
, today.
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