Health & Medical Mental Health

Curing Panic Attacks Using Time Travel

If curing panic attacks is your goal, it can often be helpful to compare the person you are now with the person you would like to be in the future, once your panic attacks have been overcome.
Doing this helps for a couple of reasons.
First, it helps you to clearly see the changes you need to make to become the future you that you want to become.
Second, it helps you visualise your ideal version of yourself, which is great at building hope and inspiring yourself to achieve the goal of curing panic attacks.
The best way I know to compare the way you are now with the way you'd like to be in the future is to make a quick list of the major characteristics found in you now, and the characteristics that would be found in the panic-free future you.
Get a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the middle, giving you two equal sides.
On the left at the top, write "Present Me," and on the right at the top write "Future Me.
" Now begin to brainstorm.
What are all the things in your life that cause you anxiety? What are all the things that make your anxiety worse? What are all the areas of your life that are affected by your anxiety? Note all these things in the "Present Me" side of the paper.
Next, ask yourself how things would be different if you were panic-free.
What things in your life would help you to stay calm? What areas of your life would be better if your anxiety was gone? Note all these things in the "Future Me" side of the paper.
Once you've filled up both sides of your piece of paper you're going to have something very powerful.
You're going to be able to tell, at a glance, all the differences between how you are now and how you'd like to be in the future.
This will immediately reveal to you all the changes you need to make to stop your panic and anxiety and become the person you dream of becoming.
If curing panic attacks is important to you, take 5 minutes to complete this simple little exercise.
It will be one of the most important things you do.
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