- 1). Inspect the chrome legs on your chair for rust.
- 2). Remove any rust by balling aluminum foil up and rubbing it gently on the rusty areas to smooth and shine them up.
- 3). Remove the rubber tips on the chair legs if possible. This allows you to clean the entire leg without leaving dirt at the top of the rubber tip and will make the entire job look more professional.
- 4). Wipe a clean cloth with LimeAway for cleaning the really dirty parts of the chrome.
- 5). Use one of the other products (WD-40, vinegar, baby oil, rubbing alcohol, lemon Pledge) on a clean cloth to wipe the less grimy surfaces. The products that contain an oily substance, like baby oil or WD-40, will protect the surface and help keep it clean.
- 6). Save your used dryer sheets and when you need a quick clean up, simply rub a dryer sheet over the chrome.