- 1). Choose a host for your video. Your host should have a great deal of credibility like a master's belt. In addition the host should have experience teaching. This will allow your host to describe the Tae kwon do moves in detail and in a language that people watching the video, trying to learn, can understand.
- 2). Recruit some students to perform the various Taekwondo moves for the camera. The students should both be well-educated and familiar with the moves so they can show proper technique. Getting armatures and teaching them on camera will take a lot longer and be harder to capture good moves.
- 3). Work up a script for the program before beginning the training session. Filming takes a great deal of time and effort, so having a strong plan for how the video will flow will allow everyone to be better prepared and ensure that your video comes out flawlessly.
- 4). Set up at least two cameras on tripods with boom mikes to film the session. You will want one camera to be straight on the performers. The other should be at one angle to shoot cutaways. Mike the host of the show with a wireless lavalier microphone, so you can hear what he says on the film. Start recording on the two cameras at exactly the same moment for an easier editing experience.
- 5). Film the students from several different angles and performing several different takes of each example. There are many reasons this is a good idea, primarily, because the action is so fast, this will ensure when you edit the piece that you will have the best example to show viewers.