I hate to login to Facebook and see that half of my feed are quizzes and applications as stupid as personality tests, luck cookies, random phrases, etc.
For so long I hid all of these manually, only to see that new quizzes and new applications were being created to replace them.
One good day I had enough and finally found a way to get rid of all of them for good.
I'll share it with you here.
It's very simple and you don't need to know any advanced computer skill, just take a look! 1 - The first step you have to take is to download either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
Both browsers are great and far superior to the competition.
If you are not using one of these two, go ahead and give them a try.
You won't regret it! 2 - Once you have one of these browsers on your computer you have to install the GreaseMonkey add-on to Firefox, or, if you use Chrome, the GreaseMetal.
Both are fast and easy to activate.
Just look for them in Google and they will be easy to find and install.
3 - Install the Facebook Purity script.
You can install it directly from here.
It's as simple as that! No more will quizzes, applications and other annoying activities will flood your feed.
The Facebook Purity script directly blocks all applications created by external developers, tells you exactly how many were hidden and gives you the possibility, directly on the Facebook homepage, to show them back if you want it to.
For so long I hid all of these manually, only to see that new quizzes and new applications were being created to replace them.
One good day I had enough and finally found a way to get rid of all of them for good.
I'll share it with you here.
It's very simple and you don't need to know any advanced computer skill, just take a look! 1 - The first step you have to take is to download either Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
Both browsers are great and far superior to the competition.
If you are not using one of these two, go ahead and give them a try.
You won't regret it! 2 - Once you have one of these browsers on your computer you have to install the GreaseMonkey add-on to Firefox, or, if you use Chrome, the GreaseMetal.
Both are fast and easy to activate.
Just look for them in Google and they will be easy to find and install.
3 - Install the Facebook Purity script.
You can install it directly from here.
It's as simple as that! No more will quizzes, applications and other annoying activities will flood your feed.
The Facebook Purity script directly blocks all applications created by external developers, tells you exactly how many were hidden and gives you the possibility, directly on the Facebook homepage, to show them back if you want it to.