- The tattoo machine will come already assembled. This unit consists of the electromagnets, the capacitor and contact screw all mounted on a frame that has the armature bar and tube clamp included. This is the core of the tattoo's life, but you will still need to connect the rest of the parts. Some tattoo needles come with a disposable tube and grip, but if yours doesn't, you need to tighten the tube to the grip. Then slide the needle through the tip. Be careful not to damage the tip as you insert it. Slip the tube into the frame and clamp it down tight. Put your needle's eye over the grommet and a rubber band around the needle and the gun to keep the needle's eye from coming off the grommet.
- To adjust your gun, push your armature bar down. While it's in the down position, you will need to make two adjustments. First loosen the clamp and only allow about 1/8 inch to protrude out of the tip. Second, adjust your contact screw so there is only about the width of a dime between the armature bar and the contact screw's spring. Now you are ready to shoot the outline of the tattoo. Once the outline is done and you want to do the shading on the tattoo, increase the gap between your armature bar and the contact screw's spring to about the width of a nickel.
- Cleaning your tattoo gun is important. If you have a disposable needle, tube and grip, clean up by just disposing of them. If you have stainless steel tips and grips, then you will need to put them in a commercial sterilizer.
Assemble the Tattoo Gun
Adjust the Tattoo Gun and Shoot the Tattoo
Cleaning Your Tattoo Gun