Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Potty Training Puppies

Sometimes work sucks.
There are very few people in the world that love to spring from bed in the morning and run to work day after day.
But I have yet to find someone who loves to come home from a hard days work, open the door, and see a big present in the middle of the carpet that was left by your puppy.
It is even more dreadful to have a few friends come over for a social gathering and you place smells like a football stadium bathroom.
How much time and money does one have to spend on cleaning supplies, anti-odor sprays, carpet scrubbers and steamers? Let me tell you that all of these can add up in price.
So, how about just Potty Train your Puppy! But...
Potty Training Puppies can be an absolute nightmare.
I have heard and read a lot of horror stories that would make anyone wanting to get a new puppy to turn and run away.
But they are so cute, how can you say no to that little wet nose and sad eyes? There has to be a better way.
There are so many gimmicks and tricks on the market today that it is hard to choose who to believe and which to buy.
As a pet owner, I always spoiled my puppy.
But this is something that you DO NOT have to spend a lot of money on and will be effective.
The Dog Training Institute has developed many methods that will effectively Potty Train Your Puppy.
No more guess work.
No more reading from authors that assume you understand.
The trainers at DTI have you in mind when it comes to training.
So they write it something that is getting hard to find these days, PLAIN ENGLISH! Crate Training: This is not a new thing and it is not a way to torture your puppy.
It is an effective potty training method that is not only approved and endorsed by thousands of vet's and trainers it is widely taught and used.
It is essential for potty training purposes.
But choosing the proper crate is very important.
They have to feel comfortable.
Paper Training: This method is used mostly by individuals that leave home for long periods of time, have no back yard or live in an apartment.
Being that a puppy has a small bladder; it is hard to expect him to hold it until you come home.
Usually, a puppy can only hold it for 3 hours.
The selection of a good room and ease of use is imperative to the training process.
There is a lot more to both of these and many more tips that you just need to read the book.
The people at the Dog Training Institute really know what they are doing and you will soon see what you have been missing.
Good luck and Happy Training!
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