Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Be Smart About Home Security

Thinking about home security isn't terribly exciting, but if someone breaks into your house and steals your belongings, or even hurts someone in your family, you'll be regretting your lapse later.
Why take that risk when it doesn't require much money or effort to keep burglars away from your home?Wouldn't you rather rest peacefully, knowing you've done what you can to protect those things in life that are most dear to you?I thought so.
Let's take a look at some smart and easy home security tips: -- If you have a burglar alarm or home security system, test it regularly.
Also make sure all family members know how to work it.
-- Keep the exterior doors (including the door to the garage) locked at all times, even if you think you live in a "safe" neighborhood (just because your neighbors won't rob you, doesn't mean random burglars won't prowling through looking for victims).
-- If your front door doesn't have a "peep hole" or other door viewing device, install one so you can see who's outside before opening the door.
-- Don't hide spare keys outside the home, such as under mats, under rocks, or in that special ultra secret place that no one will ever find (trust me: burglars know all the good spots...
it's their job).
If you have problems with losing your keys, consider a thumbprint door lock.
-- Install a security chain on your exterior doors.
This way you can sign for packages and talk to strangers without putting yourself at risk.
-- If you have a big dog, it may deter burglars, but don't rely on your "guard dog" as your only home security defense.
There are many cases where homeowners thought their dog would guard the house and instead it let burglars waltz right in and steal the proverbial china.
If a burglar doesn't show fear, chances are Fido won't react much to him, especially once he's in the house.
-- Don't have your name or anything beyond your house number on your mailbox.
That gives anyone driving by too much information about you, information they could use against you.
-- If you go on a vacation, first arrange for someone to collect your mail and pick up your newspapers.
Otherwise, burglars will have no problem figuring out that nobody's home (which is the perfect time for them to risk breaking in and stealing all your stuff).
-- Get to know your neighbors, and consider starting a neighborhood watch in order to keep the block safer.
At the very least, let the people across the street and next door know when you're going to be out of town, so they can report any suspicious activity.
-- Pay attention to your landscaping by keeping shrubs trimmed back from walkways, windows, and doors.
Overgrown foliage can shield intruders, abductors, etc.
so they can ply their vile trade in peace.
-- Teach children not to give out personal information on the telephone.
Also make sure they know what numbers to call, and what to do, in the event of an emergency.
As you can see, most of these security tips are just a matter of common sense.
You don't necessarily need to spend tons of money on expensive burglar alarms or high-tech video surveillance systems (half the time the family probably forgets to turn them on anyway...
) Just make a habit of applying these simple but smart home security tips, and you and your family will be much safer in the long run.
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