- Puppies lose their "puppy hair." This is a normal process that may happen to some puppies before they are even six months old. However, if you notice your puppy has bald spots or the skin is red and irritated, then your puppy may have another problem. See your vet for a correct diagnosis and medication to treat the problem. One of the conditions your puppy could have is Demodectic Mange. Mites cause this disease; all puppies raised naturally by their mothers have these mites. They are transferred from mother to puppy during cuddling. These mites become a problem for puppies when something, such as stress or illness, causes their immune system to shut down; the mites grow more powerful, causing hair loss. Mites live inside hair follicles of all dogs, so it is hard to kill them. Medication will be needed to get rid of mange---you should do so under a vet's care. Some dogs and certain breeds can have reactions to medication for "red" mange.
- Some hair loss on your puppy could be caused by neurodermatitis. This is when your puppy chews or licks a spot of on his body constantly, causing red and hairless patches. Your puppy may develop this habit from boredom, separation anxiety, lack of exercise or frustration. It is as if your puppy is fixated on the area he is chewing and licking, and the skin becomes almost raw--never allowing the wound to heal or the hair to grow back. If your veterinarian believes your puppy is suffering from this type of hair loss problem, he may prescribe anti-anxiety medication and suggest behavior-modification training. This would most likely include scheduled play times and walks to keep the puppy from becoming bored, anxious and frustrated.
- Your puppy could be losing his hair because he is having an allergic reaction to something in his environment. The problem comes when trying to figure out what the puppy is allergic to and what is causing his hair loss. It could be a reaction to cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, perfumes, grass, pollen, dust mites and so on. A veterinarian will help determine what is causing the problem and help you focus on making your home more enjoyable for your puppy. Your vet can also prescribe medication for your puppy, including over-the-counter human allergy medication in smaller doses than a human would take. Several diseases can cause unnatural hair loss in puppies, too, so it is important to see a vet to help your puppy enjoy his young life.
Demodectic (Red) Mange
Allergic Reaction