- An appraisal session is an evaluation of the performance of your staff members. It is a chance for you to give them feedback and suggestions for improvement. It is also an opportunity to get feedback from your staff regarding the position and the work environment. Company managers and supervisors commonly hold these sessions at least once per year.
- When doing appraisals, use input from members of your staff for each individual review. This is called a 360-degree performance review. Ask the co-workers of each individual you plan to review to fill out an appraisal form that contains questions about his job performance. If the job requires the staff member to interact with customers or clients, ask them for their opinions as well. Use the information you collect to conduct a well-rounded appraisal meeting with each staff member.
- Another idea that you can incorporate into your staff appraisal system is immediate rewards. Employers commonly give raises after completing performance appraisals. But these raises don't always take effect immediately. So, in addition to raises, you can reward your staff with monetary or non-monetary rewards when they perform well directly after the session. For instance, you might offer an extra bonus payment in the very next pay period.
- In some cases, your staff members may feel a bit down or discouraged after an appraisal session. As a manager, you have to give them honest constructive feedback when there is need for improvement, but this can lead to morale issues. To avoid this, hire a motivational speaker to speak to all of your employees before or after you've wrapped up your appraisal meetings. The motivational speaker should have familiarity with both human resources issues and life coaching topics to help your staff members use their feedback in a positive way.
Staff Appraisal
360-Degree Appraisal
Immediate Rewards