Health & Medical Mental Health

Methods to Overcome Nervousness During a Speech


    • The most recommended scent for calming anxiety is lavender, though frankincense, ylang ylang, jasmine, basil, fennel and coriander can help, too. Use this scent in a bath or a massage to calm your nerves leading up to the speech. Rub a little of the essential oil on the skin just below your nose so it continues to provide relief during your speech. Use frankincense if you are experiencing panic attack-like symptoms. Brewing a tea of verbena and chamomile is also effective in calming the nerves because verbena is a strong sedative; you should avoid verbena, however, if you need to be alert to drive.


    • According to Valerie Ann Worwood in her book " The Fragrant Mind," a neuropsychiatry clinic at Birmingham University suggests that actors use hypnosis along with aromatherapy to manage stage fright. Get a positive message to stick with an essential oil while under hypnosis. The hypnotist will suggest the speaker be relaxed. Sniff the same essential oil just before giving the speech to renew the effect of the suggestion. If you do not want to use aromatherapy, have the hypnotist create a tape to listen to while you sleep so you can renew the effect regularly, or have them give you a trigger word to use.


    • Become familiar with every aspect of the environment where you speech will be given. Go to the space beforehand, and walk around. Stand at the lectern, and practice giving the speech. Sit in the audience's seats, and visualize yourself giving the speech. Have someone you know well sitting in the audience, and introduce yourself to as many of the audience members as possible in advance. If you feel like you are speaking to friends and acquaintances, your anxiety will be lowered. Know your material; you should be able to deliver your speech from memory. The better you know your material, the less anxious you will be because you are more confident in your ability to deliver the information..


    • Visualize yourself being successful. Picture the whole process from beginning to end. Start by visualizing yourself getting ready and then walking into the room where you will give the presentation. Visualize yourself giving your speech confidently in a strong, clear voice. Imagine the audience being receptive and attentive during your speech -- and applauding at the conclusion. Practice your speech while visualizing this success, and it will be easier to execute a successful delivery when you give your actual speech.

    Manage Physical Side Effects

    • Anxiety comes with a number of physical symptoms, and management of these side effects can make it easier to give your speech. Take peppermint to treat an upset stomach caused by the anxiety. Massage your forehead to both stimulate the speech center in the brain and manage the headache caused by furrowing the brow and tightening the jaw, which occurs when you are stressed. Breathe deeply, counting to five as you inhale and to seven as you exhale. The release of adrenalin causes you to breath in short shallow breaths, and breathing deeply can calm shaking and voice quivering by increasing the oxygen supply in the muscles.

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