- It's necessary to collect plumeria seeds from existing plants as seed isn't available for purchase. Plumeria produces pods after flowering. Allow the pods to dry on the plant until they begin to split open on their own. Harvest the split pods and remove the seeds. The seeds remain viable for up to three months but germinate most readily when sown immediately after harvest. The color produced by the seed usually reflects the color of the parent plant, though seeds from pink plumeria may produce white, red or pink flowers.
- Plumeria seeds, especially if they aren't immediately planted, germinate unevenly. Use a tray to plant multiple seeds instead of individual pots. Use the seedlings pots only after the seeds sprout and you have viable seedlings growing well in the tray. Use a sterile soilless potting soil to minimize disease problems and ensure proper moisture retention in the tray. Plumeria requires warmth for germination, and the seedlings need eight hours of sunlight or 14 hours of artificial light daily. Use a fluorescent grow light if you don't have a warm area indoors that receives sufficient sun.
- The seeds have a pointed end and a winged end. Sow the seeds with the pointed end facing downward, planting each seed approximately a ½ inch deep. The seeds require moisture to germinate, so water the potting mix thoroughly after sowing the seeds, and then allow the excess moisture to drain out of the mix. Sealing the tray inside a plastic bag retains moisture and warmth during germination so you won't need to water until after the seeds begin to sprout. Keep the tray in a warm room and check on the seeds daily for signs of germination.
- Seedlings typically emerge from the soil within two weeks of planting, but cool temperatures may prolong the germination time. Remove the plastic bag once you see the first sprouts so the plumeria seedlings can receive air circulation. Keep the seedlings in a sunny, warm area and water the plants when the soil begins to dry in the tray. Plumeria seedlings are ready for transplanting into individual pots when they produce their second set of leaves.
Collecting Seed
Seedling Care