Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Want Invincible Hamstrings? Try The Floor Gluteal Hamstring Raise!

First it was the European and Russian weightlifters, then over 70 years later the rest of the western World found this exercise.
If your reading this and never heard of this exercise you can add another 50+ years on top of that! Also known as the Russian leg curl, Russian lean, Russian ham curl, kneeling Russian hamstring curl, Nordic ham curl, Nordic hamstrings, Nordic hamstrings lower, Nordic leg curl, Nordic reverse curl, glute-ham curl, bodyweight leg curl, natural hamstring curl, and bodyweight hamstring curl, plus I am sure there are many more! Now even though this exercise has the word "Gluteal" in it does not mean its great for your butt! This exercise uses your glutes, however it is primarily a hamstring exercise where your glutes get some benefit also.
Most variations require the use of a machine or bench of some description which is great if you have access to one.
If you don't that's OK you can do the partner variation as described below.
The version I perform myself when I don't have a partner is to position myself close to a wall so the soles of my feet are pressing firmly against it.
Then while I'm performing the movement I make sure that I am trying to push the wall over with my feet as this keeps my knees, shins and feet on the ground while I lower and raise my torso.
It takes some practice and strength, but I know you can get there.
Technique Breakdown - Floor Gluteal Hamstring Raise - Hamstrings Start/Finish Position Begin on your knees with your upper legs and torso upright.
If your using a partner, they will need to firmly hold your feet to keep you in position.
Movement Phase Lower yourself by extending at the knee, DO NOT flex the hips as you go forward, maintain a straight line from the top of your head to your knees.
Place your hands in front of you as you reach the floor.
Use your arms to lightly push off the floor to assist your return to the upright position.
Hold for a moment and repeat for desired repetitions.
Breathing Directions Breathe in during the downward motion.
Breathe out during the upward motion.
Tips You can use a partner for this exercise or brace your feet under something stable.
This movement is very difficult and you may be unable to do it unaided, so lower yourself as far as possible and gradually grow in strength until you can reach the floor.
Training hamstrings is a very important part of any exercise regime.
Especially if you're an athlete as hamstring injuries are one of the highest injuries that can occur to you.
It's a troublesome muscle group that needs warming up, activation, working out, cooling down and rest all the time.
Following this pattern will ensure your hamstrings are on the path to become invincible.
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