If you have recently learned that your blood lipid levels are high and need to be brought down, then your doctor has likely pointed you towards statin drugs to make this happen.
However, given the many side effects of these medications which include aching muscles, twitching muscles and spasms, as well is the potential for kidney and liver damage, using a diet to reduce high cholesterol makes much more sense.
I even read about a doctor who found that he was unable to tolerate the side effects of statin medication.
When he turned to using diet to reduce his high cholesterol he found it to be just as effective as what he had previously obtained from the medication.
There have been many research studies performed that have shown that a good diet to lower cholesterol can provide even better results than what many people obtain through the use of statin drugs.
The best cholesterol lowering foods are those that are high in a combination of soluble fiber and plant sterols.
The surprising food that is at the top of this list is walnuts.
Yes, walnuts lower lipid readings effectively.
When combined with some of the other cholesterol lowering foods such as vegetables and whole grains, nuts help quickly bring down elevated lipid readings.
A diet to reduce high cholesterol that contains these types of foods will increase your energy levels, help improve your mental focus, increase your immunity to colds and diseases, all while reducing high cholesterol.
I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss the best foods and diets to lower cholesterol levels.
However, given the many side effects of these medications which include aching muscles, twitching muscles and spasms, as well is the potential for kidney and liver damage, using a diet to reduce high cholesterol makes much more sense.
I even read about a doctor who found that he was unable to tolerate the side effects of statin medication.
When he turned to using diet to reduce his high cholesterol he found it to be just as effective as what he had previously obtained from the medication.
There have been many research studies performed that have shown that a good diet to lower cholesterol can provide even better results than what many people obtain through the use of statin drugs.
The best cholesterol lowering foods are those that are high in a combination of soluble fiber and plant sterols.
The surprising food that is at the top of this list is walnuts.
Yes, walnuts lower lipid readings effectively.
When combined with some of the other cholesterol lowering foods such as vegetables and whole grains, nuts help quickly bring down elevated lipid readings.
A diet to reduce high cholesterol that contains these types of foods will increase your energy levels, help improve your mental focus, increase your immunity to colds and diseases, all while reducing high cholesterol.
I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss the best foods and diets to lower cholesterol levels.