Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why Does Puppy Obedience Training Matter?

You have just arrived home with an adorable, new puppy and you are looking into her beautiful brown eyes, when suddenly she piddles on your new carpet.
You had not thought about that before you brought her home.
What to do? Before even bringing a puppy home you need to decide how to handle the most pressing problems facing new puppy owners.
Obviously, the most pressing problem is house training a dog.
You don't want the floor of your home ruined.
Equally important, is the issue of gently teaching your dog who the boss is.
Finally, your new puppy needs to learn the proper etiquette for walking on a leash.
All of these seemingly thorny issues can be addressed with a little know-how, consistency, dedication to the training process for a relatively short while and a gentle but firm attitude on your part.
Crate training dogs is probably the best method available for house training a dog.
The crate provides a secure 'den' for your puppy whose ancestors lived in the wild and sought out small, secure little spots.
Dogs still instinctively search for such places.
My daughter's Malamute sleeps under her bed.
If properly trained, most dogs will come to consider the crate their own private domain.
This trait contributes to the effectiveness of crate training.
Dogs do not ever want to eliminate in their secure resting spot.
They will try with all their might to 'hold it' until they are taken outside.
Since puppies don't have the muscle control they need until they are between 3-6 months, take the puppy outdoors straight from the crate often.
Immediately take her to the designated potty spot in your yard, and she will soon understand what is she is expected to do.
Give a treat and lavish praise when she performs correctly.
Who's the boss? That is what you puppy wants to know.
She has been accustomed to living with other siblings in the litter.
Her Mom was always in charge, which gave her a feeling of safety and security.
Teach your dog that you are the boss by playing with her, and during the course of playing (not roughhousing) gently roll her over on her back, keeping her there until she quits squirming.
She will soon learn that you are the boss.
Playing and learning go hand in hand, so make each behavior you are teaching a fun experience.
Finally, teach your dog how to walk properly on a leash.
How many dogs have you seen that are actually taking their owners on a walk? Probably quite a few.
If your puppy is pulling on the leash and trying to run ahead, stop.
Either move yourself by him or bring her back to you.
Especially, if he comes along beside you, praise him and give him a treat.
Keep a treat in your hand so she can smell it without letting her have it until she does the right thing.
She will soon learn to walk beside you, not in front of you.
Earning a treat and your praise will work wonders.
Always speak to your dog with simple one or two-word commands what is expected, and use the same terms consistently.
Do not issue harsh reprimands, but always use positive methods in training.
You will have years of companionship from a well-behaved dog, who recognizes you as the 'alpha dog,' and who thinks you are the most sublime person in the universe.
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