Health & Medical Mental Health

Coping with Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Feel Better Today!

Panic and Anxiety Disorder are the most debilitating of conditions, and when they persist for long periods they inhibit the sufferer and steal the quality of our lives. Panic occurs when adrenaline is released into the bloodstream to prepare the body for fight or flight. This is of course quite a normal and required bodily function when imminent danger is present, but it can be extremely frightening for the sufferer when the feelings appear for no apparent reason. This is sometimes to do with the way we think about situations, and our mind tends to exaggerate how difficult or dangerous a situation may be.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder may be experienced in a more general way. Sometime people will experience continual worry about things that might go wrong. They may find that they feel tense and restless without knowing specifically what they are worried about. Often the feelings are born out of past experience, which causes us to fear the future. Training our minds to live just in the present would be such a relief, as this would free us from past trauma and perceived failure, and we would not need to fear the future.

Treatments for Panic and Anxiety Disorder include Cognitive behavioural therapy, prescribed medication, and self help such as diet, exercise and relaxation therapy.

Regular relaxation is extremely helpful to the sufferer, and people benefit from guided visualisation, meditation and hypnosis. Unfortunately an anxious person may often find it very difficult to relax and calm their minds sufficiently to attain full benefit from these treatments. For this reason I have devoted as site to Binaural Beats, which are downloadable recordings that gently train the mind and guide the user to a much more relaxed state of consciousness.

These recordings are widely used and are highly successful for meditation and relaxation practices, and there are individual recordings designed for specific purposes. The recordings by pass the minds natural resistance to change, and most users experience immediate beneficial effects. This can be enormously beneficial to the anxious person who normally finds peace and calm so difficult to attain.

Please do not accept your Panic and Anxiety Disorder, be determined, take action and you will find your peace and freedom.

Wishing you much peace and happiness.
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