Business & Finance Business Insurance

What To Look For When Buying Income Protection Insurance?

Virtually all Income Protection Insurance policies start paying out once you have been off work for an unbroken period of between one and 180 days. The longer you can do without the payment of benefits, the cheaper the cover. This is called the deferment or excess period.

The better providers enable you to vary this excess period so you can reflect any sickness benefit scheme your employer might have. Typically, your company scheme might pay you in full for 3 months, after which you would want your own policy benefits to start. Equally, if you were made redundant, you might need your payment period to start without delay. So select excess periods to suit your circumstances, especially where you need to vary the excess period between unemployment and accident/sickness cover. You are also likely to save money this way.

Most policies will pay out for a period of 12 or 24 months. Think very carefully if considering anything less than 12 months cover, especially in the current economic climate. By far the majority of providers offer 12 months as standard. Cheaper 6 month and 3 month benefit period policies are available, however you must be very confident you could get back into work within this short period.

You will always be limited to receiving benefits that do not exceed your take home pay. Some policies are more restricted than others. Many only offer up to 1000 per month. Several more are restricted to 50% of your gross salary. However, there are policies that offer 60% or more of gross earnings and a higher maximum monthly benefit. Both are better matched to modern needs and give you more scope should you need to increase your benefits in the future. Claim payments are not subject to tax or national insurance.

Securing best value

Premium rates vary widely and it pays to shop around. The leading price comparison websites like Moneysupermarket are very useful for this. is also a very useful guide to finding the best value. Generally speaking, the lowest premium rates are charged by the internet providers simply because their costs are lower. They are able to handle the majority of applications without complex underwriting or interviewing the customer.

For those that fall outside of the criteria that are easy to underwrite on line, the strongest recommendation is to seek the advice of a specialist independent broker. They can tailor an Income Protection policy for you, it may contain one or two restrictions (for example in respect of pre-existing medical conditions) however this personal service will be reflected in the premium charged. Try on-line first. You may be pleasantly surprised just how low cost this cover can be.

Questions when you go on-line for a quote

* Your name, age and contact details

* If you are employed or self employed

* The company you work for - sometimes details about any redundancies

* Your role within that company

* How much money you need to pay your unavoidable outgoings each month

* Would you want Accident, Sickness and Unemployment cover (recommended) or only an element of this cover? Note providers of unemployment only are limited.

When you want payments to commence - the majority of buyers ask for the compensation period to commence immediately ('day one cover'). You will usually be offered a choice of 'day one cover', 30 day, 60 day or 90 day excess periods. Some even offer 180 days or more - choose what suits you.

If you want the insurance to pay for 3, 6, 12 or 24 months (most people select 12 months)

On-line premiums are usually only payable by monthly direct debit. This is ideal as you can keep the cover for as long as you need it. Say you have a change of circumstances, you can always contact the provider to increase your benefits or indeed cancel your direct debit if you come into money. There is no need to pay a full year's premium in advance.

Buying - value for money

You can choose up to 60% or more of your gross monthly income paid free of tax or NI contributions (usually subject to a maximum payment between 1000 and 2000 per month)

A back to work service - this is surprisingly undersold by the majority of providers as it offers genuine assistance for people getting another job. This includes advice, CV writing etc. Some go further and assist with managing medical conditions including arranging physiotherapy for example.

The providers terms vary to some degree, many policies offer individual help with redundancy matters and tax information. It is worth noting that these services are delivered by contracted specialists and not by general insurance company claims departments. They deliver help - usually phone based - when you most need it.

How much will it cost?

It depends on your age and occupation, plus of course the level of compensation you choose and deferment period. Generally speaking, with age comes higher premiums that reflect the regrettable truth that, as you get older, it is harder to get back into work and takes longer to recover from an accident or medical condition.

If you are in a relatively low risk occupation and are one of the majority who can be insured without any query, you will be in a position to take advantage of internet rates. If so, your premiums will be very competitive indeed. It is likely you will receive a good level of benefits for just 30 to 40 per month.

Equally, if you already pay for 'Payment Protection' with your mortgage or loan, a stand alone policy could save you a small fortune. Check if it would pay you to switch.

And finally

With widespread reports in the press about the majority of employers either freezing recruitment or contemplating redundancies, please don't fall into the trap of thinking you could simply walk into another job like in 2007. The landscape has changed fundamentally. We have entered a period where, once you lose your job, it is very hard indeed to get back into work and the competition for vacancies is fierce.
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