Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Consider An Ozone Cleaning System For Your Swimming Pool

When it comes to ways to keep your swimming pool clean and clear and the water healthy and bacteria-free many swimming pool owners are talking to their swimming pool service professionals about making a switch from cleaning their swimming pools with chlorine to an ozone cleaning system.
Ozone has long been a favorite way for those in European countries to keep their water clean.
The same way that chlorine, cleans your swimming pool, ozone gas - which is an active form of oxygen - oxidizes the waste material in the water.
Here is information on how an ozone cleaning system works:
  • Ozone is a powerful oxidizer and is a great way to clean your pool or spa.
    Compared to chlorine systems, ozone systems clean your water thoroughly.
    The way it works is that oxygen from the air will pass through the chambers of the ozone system, will be exposed to UV radiation.
    During the process, oxygen (O2) molecules are combined into O3 and this forms ozone.
  • When the ozone has been produced in this way, it oxidizes any bacteria that could potentially contaminate the water and destroys them.
    Through the use of an ozone filtering system, the grease, oil, dirt and other contaminants will be absorbed and converted into oxygen.
    Because this is a more efficient system than chlorine, you will see a reduction in the resources necessary to operate and maintain your swimming pool or spa.
  • After the service technician fits your pool's filtering system with an ozone one, the equipment injects ozone gas into the water through a tube and purifies it.
    The pool water will pass through the ozone system's cells and is then ionized with an electrical current.
    This results in there being positively charged oxygen particles that connect with the naturally negatively charged molecules in the water.
    The process also releases small amounts of silver and copper ions to kill bacteria and keep the water clean and healthy for your swimmers.
    There may be times when you will need to supplement your pool cleaning system with chlorine.
    Rest assured that you will only use small doses of chlorine.
If you are looking to make a switch from a chlorine cleaning system talk to your service professional and he or she can tell you of the pros and cons of making the switch to an ozone cleaning system.
The price of an ozone system will be more upfront but you can reap the savings in the lesser amounts of chemicals you will need to keep your pool clean.
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