Health & Medical Nutrition

Tips For Improving Your Nutrition Plan

It has been drilled into our heads over and over again the kind of diet that a bodybuilder must follow religiously.
Well, now that you have the whats figured out, let's take a look at the when.
The body of a bodybuilder has more nutritional demands as it constantly requires energy, oxygen and nutrients.
This is the reason why the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner just won't cut it.
If you're eating less than six meals a day, you need to increase your food intake even before you get pre-occupied with other issues.
Personally I eat after every 3 or 4 hours each day.
And no, I'm not over weight.
The irony of it all is that in order to loose weight, you are required to eat more! You won't just bump into a regular diet that works for you.
Making a meal plan for you will do you as much good as holding an umbrella over you're head when it's neither rainy nor sunny! You know your fridge better than anyone else.
And even more importantly, you know how deep your pockets run.
It is important that you come with a meal plan that you can afford and that is also easily available.
This is to say that unless you have a personal jet, including a meal that's only found in Paris isn't realistic.
Carbohydrates are energy giving when the body burns them down, but they are stored as fats if not used up.
Your breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates as you need energy to carry you through the day ahead.
Reduce your carbohydrates with each subsequent meal.
Ensure that you don't consume any from about 4 hours to bedtime.
This is especially so for simple carbohydrates.
Proteins are what will cause your muscle to grow as they are bodybuilders.
They are the raw material your body requires to make muscle cells.
Proteins vary in BV i.
Biological value.
Whey protein has the highest BV and its best source is whey supplements.
The higher the BV the more your body will absorb it.
Ranking top also are soy, eggs, milk and beef.
I'd advice you to take whey when you wake up early in the morning and also after a workout.
Fats are also very important in your body.
They act as shock absorbers; they help in insulating the body hence you don't freeze to death anytime the weather changes.
Many people avoid fats as a whole.
What you need to realize is that there are fats that are good for your body and there are those that are bad.
Saturated fats are the ones you should avoid at all costs.
They are responsible for causing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and the thickening of arteries.
Unsaturated fats such as fish oil and vegetable oils provide your body with energy when burned down.
You should also reduce it's quantity with every meal as the day progresses.
Make sure that you put a time when you should actually eat and what to eat.
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