Home & Garden Gardening

Making a Rose Hedge

Many people want to grow rose hedges because of many different reasons.
A hedge made from wild roses will eventually become dense and impenetrable.
It has the added advantage of attracting birds, as it provides a nesting place that's reasonably safe from cats and other predators, and its hips are a source of food in winter.
It will also provide a dazzling display of color, mostly iii spring.
A rose hedge is easy to look after and doesn't need drastic pruning: unlike other types of hedge, it can largely be left to its own devices.
Wild roses need plenty of room, so they should be planted in a row 6 ft (2 m) wide, with one or two plants per yard/meter.
Besides providing a boundary for the outside edge of the garden, a rose hedge can also he used as a sight screen or to provide shelter for other less about plants.
As the hedge grows it will need occasional pruning or thinning, but it should never be cut back drastically.
Although wild roses are the most suitable type for hedges, you could also more vigorous floribundas such as 'Queen Elizabeth'.
However these should he planted further inside the garden, as they aren't vigorous or dense enough to create privacy by screening it from passers-by.
Alternatively you could use repeat-flowering shrub roses, which are suitable for a boundary hedge if your neighbors are amenable.
If you keep these things in mind when you plan out your rose hedge, you should be a lot better off than someone who didn't think of these things at all!
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