Home & Garden Gardening

An Introduction to Understanding Orchids

Orchids are rank as the best favored house plants of all. There are a number of species of orchids that can be found naturally and hybrids by far more. They are not challenging to grow given the correct amount of care including water, light, fertilizer and air. Although most species of orchids do get pleasure from cooler conditions, a good number of species do great in temperatures that range from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Among the simplest orchids to grow is the phalaenopsis orchid plant. This specific specie of orchid adjusts well to the surroundings of a home or office. Various species of orchid flowers will last for distinct quantities of time. From the time that the first phalaenopsis bud opens, the sprays will remain in bloom for the next two to three months. However, the flowers on a cattleyas orchid plant can stay up to a month in bloom from the moment the bud opens. Some of orchids will bloom once a year, while other species will bloom several times a year and some even bloom constantly.

Perfume is an additional feature of orchids thereby making them so pleasing to nurture at home. As orchids can be found in thousands of species, hence their own fragrances come in various scents as well. The scent of fragrances will vary from the very weak to the very strong. For instance the aroma may range from plain to elaborate. These fragrances can include your common varieties such as citrus, coconut and raspberry.

A constitute of bark, clay pellets, charcoal or perlite is the mixture orchids would prefer to be planted in than the usual garden soil. Orchids can also be cultivated in a mixture consisting of sphagnum moss. Potting media come in a large variety to select and many combinations of the media can be mixed. Any mixture of media will do as long as it provides air movement to the roots and good drainage. The orchid pots too should provide exceptional drainage as well. Normal garden soil prevents air to the roots and stops drainage of water from the roots. Drainage of the media and air circulation is necessary because without it the roots will rot. Watering may be carried out once a week or twice if needed. The frequency of watering orchids should be stepped up to every four or five days during the summer. Orchids are inclined to dry out by way of losing moisture through their leaves. A sign of withering due to heat stress is a clear indication to increase the watering rate. And of course the watering rate should be decreased in accordance to lower temperatures. The usage of sphagnum moss as potting media instead of bark can prolong the next watering to a week or ten days at the most.

Most orchids love mild sunlight intensity at prolong durations. The intensity of the light varies with each species. A great location in your home that would match these conditions is by the east window and for your outdoor orchids, along the east side of the home. These areas of your home replicate similar durations of sunlight and intensity an orchid would expect in the wild. Prolong exposure to strong light will result in yellowing of leaves. If that is the case then shade must be provided to your plant. Another reason that may cause leaves to yellow is nutrient deficiency. Fertilizing moderately every two weeks should solve such a problem. Before applying a weak fertilizing solution it is wise to water the plant if the potting mix has dried out.

A favorite amongst the home and the workplace is the orchid because of the vast colors, shapes and fragrances of their flowers. The majority of orchids come from origins that have warm and humid conditions. In most cases these conditions would be very uncomfortable to many folks. However there are orchids available that can thrive in conditions that are acceptable for people. Provided that the air around them is not totally dry but has some degree of humidity they can be grown in the constant temperatures of the indoors. Also one needs to be aware that orchids should be planted in loose airy and well draining mediums such as bark and moss that retain moisture without being soggy mixtures. When fertilizing your orchid one must remember to dilute the solution to half the strength to that recommended by the instructions. On a final point on orchids the light received by them should be mild and not strong with some shade through the day particularly after midday.
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