Home & Garden Gardening

Topiary Frames

In many houses, particularly those with a reasonably sized front garden, you will find topiary plants growing, either in the ground or in pots. They are often planted as a boundary hedge, packed closely together to form a distinctive and attractive feature. Hedges are typically planted with evergreen shrubs and trees, a good example being the Buxus, also known as Box. This is a perfect plant for training as a topiary plant. An amusing variation occasionally seen is where someone has placed a topiary frame on top of an existing hedge and trained the plants into an animal or bird topiary form at random points.

The more artistic gardeners might be tempted to experiment with different topiary forms. There really are some elaborate designs available wherever you look. The simplest method is definitely buying both topiary frame and plant at the same time, but it can be more satisfying to do it all yourself from scratch. Many topiary frames for sale from online outlets such as Top Topiary are wire based with a green plastic coating. This helps to prevent rust although there is no guarantee that, in time, the plastic coating will not wear off and expose the metal below to the elements.

A quick growing plant is an excellent choice for growing through a topiary frame. A good example is the Buxus plant which typically grows between five and six inches every year. It will therefore not be too long before the plant can be trained into the shape that you want. As the topiary plant grows upwards you need to carefully trim it while at the same time teasing it around the frame. Eventually, when there is sufficient plant growth, you will not be able to see the frame at all. The green of the plastic coating will be completely covered by the natural greenery of the plant.

You should, of course, take care to choose plants suitable for this kind of cultivation. Helpful advice is always available wherever you find topiary frames for sale. The object is always to ensure that steady growth is achieved. Successful growing ultimately depends on the topiary form that you choose plus, of course, your choice of plant. It goes without saying also that much depends on how diligent you are at looking after them once growing is under way. Getting the shape you are aiming for is only part of the story. Maintaining it in that shape and in a healthy condition is a key element to the whole process.
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