The stainless steel dog bowl is the pick for almost all dog owners. The question is do you want it for your dog? We will go over the individual sorts of bowls.
The Pros and Cons of different types of bowls
Plastic Dog Bowl The Good: not heavy, can be put in a dishwasher, varied colors, not costly.
Plastic The Bad: Dogs like to bite them, hide bacteria, lasts a short time.
Ceramic dog bowl the superior qualities: solid (don't slide around as much), can be decorated in different colors to your liking, dishwasher safe, hand washes easily
Ceramic The Bad: can be too heavy, breaks easily, porous, cracks go unnoticed and give bacteria a place to breed, more expensive than plastic.
Stainless steel dog bowl the pros - durable, dishwasher safe and easy to clean by hand, slid proof matting on the bottom prevents sliding, non porous so it won't hold bacteria.
Stainless Steel The Bad: more expensive than plastic, does not comes in different colors.
After looking at the good and bad of each type of bowl it is easy to see that the stainless steel dog bowl is the better choice.
You can even find a very large dog bowl in stainless steel. One is needed for food and one for water. A stainless steel dog bowl can be purchased in sizes for large or small dogs.
You do need to make sure that you keep your dog bowls clean. I notice that my dogs stainless steel bowl for water gets a film in it a few times a day, but they are easy to clean and fill back up again.
Pet stores sell automatic dog waterers for people with busy lives who can't be there to clean the bowl as frequently as is needed. They even have automatic pet food dispensers.
A stainless steel dog bowl is a terrific bowl to buy. They really go the distance, even outdoors.
You can buy them with a non skid bottom if your dog, like mine, scoots his food around the floor when he eats.
If you look around you can even find one in two tones steel to suit your taste.
Dog bowls should be kept off the floor when possible. How high depends on the breed of dog. For large dogs having their bowls on the floor means bending their head and neck to eat and drink. This can mean joint and digestive problems. You can find a dog feeding station that is raised off of the floor and holds your stainless steel dog bowl.
Always keep your dog bowls scrubbed clean. Even a stainless steel dog bowl that holds water too long can breed bacteria
The Pros and Cons of different types of bowls
Plastic Dog Bowl The Good: not heavy, can be put in a dishwasher, varied colors, not costly.
Plastic The Bad: Dogs like to bite them, hide bacteria, lasts a short time.
Ceramic dog bowl the superior qualities: solid (don't slide around as much), can be decorated in different colors to your liking, dishwasher safe, hand washes easily
Ceramic The Bad: can be too heavy, breaks easily, porous, cracks go unnoticed and give bacteria a place to breed, more expensive than plastic.
Stainless steel dog bowl the pros - durable, dishwasher safe and easy to clean by hand, slid proof matting on the bottom prevents sliding, non porous so it won't hold bacteria.
Stainless Steel The Bad: more expensive than plastic, does not comes in different colors.
After looking at the good and bad of each type of bowl it is easy to see that the stainless steel dog bowl is the better choice.
You can even find a very large dog bowl in stainless steel. One is needed for food and one for water. A stainless steel dog bowl can be purchased in sizes for large or small dogs.
You do need to make sure that you keep your dog bowls clean. I notice that my dogs stainless steel bowl for water gets a film in it a few times a day, but they are easy to clean and fill back up again.
Pet stores sell automatic dog waterers for people with busy lives who can't be there to clean the bowl as frequently as is needed. They even have automatic pet food dispensers.
A stainless steel dog bowl is a terrific bowl to buy. They really go the distance, even outdoors.
You can buy them with a non skid bottom if your dog, like mine, scoots his food around the floor when he eats.
If you look around you can even find one in two tones steel to suit your taste.
Dog bowls should be kept off the floor when possible. How high depends on the breed of dog. For large dogs having their bowls on the floor means bending their head and neck to eat and drink. This can mean joint and digestive problems. You can find a dog feeding station that is raised off of the floor and holds your stainless steel dog bowl.
Always keep your dog bowls scrubbed clean. Even a stainless steel dog bowl that holds water too long can breed bacteria