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Aluminum, the Best Choice for Fences

Fence solutions around the world have seen a gradual rise in the recent decade, with a remarkable growth seen in the use of Custom Aluminum fences in most countries.
While a lot of fence solutions have existed almost unchanged in terms of style and material over the decades since the Great War, better metallurgical abilities and advancements in material sciences have paved the way for the use of improved materials like aluminum alloys, carbon fibers, etc.
In this article we take a look at the growing and irreplaceable value of aluminum as a material in the making of custom aluminum fences.
Let us understand the properties of the elemental aluminum that make it such a good prospect for building custom aluminum fences.
Found in the Boron group of the modern chemical periodic table of elements, it is a silvery white element which is also very ductile and malleable.
This makes it easier for manufacturers to use and has made it easier for several works since the past many decades to work with it as the material can be beaten into sheets and drawn into wires efficiently.
As it makes up for around 9% of the Earth's crust by weight, and is the most abundant element metal in the Earth's solid surface, it is a complete no-brainer as to why manufacturers prefer to work with Aluminum as their metal of choice for any manufacturing, let alone building custom fences.
Apart from the making of custom aluminum fences, both the elemental and the alloy form of Aluminum are used in the aerospace industry, mainly due to its low density and lesser proclivity towards metallic corrosion.
While China heads the list of the highest producer of Aluminum in this millennium, a lot of countries are into refining and recycling it.
Refining is a process in which the element is obtained from its natural ores, whereas recycling is for just melting and obtaining the element back from its alloys.
With the growing popularity and menace of global warming in the background, most manufacturers prefer to go for recycling rather than refining as it amounts to just 5% of the original refining costs.
As electricity is the most major factor for metal refining in this case, most of the refineries are located around places of abundant and cheap electrical supply.
With the remarkable properties discussed above, it is obvious as to why Aluminum is the blue eyed boy for manufacturers when it comes to making custom fences.
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