- 1). Set up the tank on a tabletop or other surface near a power outlet.
- 2). Place a heat pad underneath one side of the tank and plug it into the power outlet.
- 3). Put a few inches of substrate or sand down in the bottom of the tank so your scorpion can burrow. Use Eco-Earth substrate for tropical scorpions, or play sand for dessert scorpions.
- 4). Make a hiding area for your scorpion using a hide box or large half-log.
- 5). Attach a tank thermometer to the upper-back wall on the same side of the tank as the heat pad.
- 6). Keep a shallow bowl filled with water in one corner of the tank.
- 7). Place the scorpion into the tank and close the lid securely.
- 8). Feed your scorpion two to three gut-loaded meal worms or crickets every two to three days. As your scorpion grows, increase crickets or mealworms by one or two, depending on how much your scorpion eats.