- 1). Look for age and gender-appropriate publications such as "Teen" or "Seventeen."
- 2). Get your sophisticated teen a subscription to "Edge" or "Real."
- 3). Try "React," a weekly for news and entertainment directed specifically at teenagers.
- 4). Order "Jump," "Twist," "YM" or "Teen" for girls age 13 and older and "Tiger Beat" for preteens.
- 5). Bet that boys will enjoy "Mad," "Boys Life," "Sports Illustrated," "ESPN - The Magazine" or "Road & Track."
- 6). Consider their interests: Music lovers might enjoy "Rolling Stone," "Guitar" or "Musician"; animal lovers would probably appreciate "Dog Fancy" or "Cat Fancy" or perhaps "Horse Illustrated"; auto enthusiasts should try "Car and Driver," "Corvette Fever," "Road & Track" or "Four Wheeler."
- 7). Give your computer buff "Computer Gaming World," "PC Computing," "PC Gamer" or "PC Week." "PlayStation" and others like it will appeal to those who spend hours playing console games.
- 8). Try "Backpacker," "Basketball News," "Pro Football Weekly," "Bicycling," "Sporting News" and "Climbing" for sports fiends.
- 9). Science-minded teens may find "Astronomy," "Discover" or "Popular Science" fascinating.
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Check out, too, "Entertainment Weekly," "Field & Stream," "National Geographic," "Games" and "People."