Health & Medical Women's Health

Female Frigidity

One should not confuse frigidity with Dyspareunia-which is manifested by a genital pain felt by women during sex which first raises an organic cause. Or with Vaginismus that makes penile penetration difficult or impossible due to the involuntary contraction of the pelvic muscles. Its origin is essentially psychological.

“Recent media and the wave that followed have some what pulled sexology out of hiding, trying to make communication about sexuality and body more natural. People have as many problems as before, but at least they can talk and realize they are not the only ones to suffer”, said a sexologist.

What is women’s frigidity? Lack of desire or lack of pleasure?

It is an unclear term, which often concerns very different situations. Pleasure happens primarily in the head. It would be better to speak about lack of physical and emotional pleasure:

The normal orgasm

A female orgasm is accompanied by contractions of the vagina, a heavy breathing, a tachycardia, and pupillary dilation. The clitoral and vaginal pleasures are often distinguished, in practice they are more or less interconnected or more or less dominating:

The clitoral pleasure

The clitoris is an erectile organ which is small and very sensitive at the top of the labia minora. The cap that covers it can be compared to the male foreskin. The raised part, slightly bent, is called "knee". The descending part, much shorter, ends in the glans. Here are located the endings nerves (in very large numbers). It is very similar to the male gland which is its exact parallel, at least in infancy.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, fetal sex organs are still undifferentiated. It was not until the third or fourth week that the clitoris will grow to become a male (or not, if a girl ...). Even though it is not the only seat of orgasm, it is almost always the starting point because, first, the clitoris is much more richly innervated than the vaginal mucosa. Second, many experiments (those of Masters and Johnson in particular) have shown that there is, in fact, a single orgasm, both vaginal and clitoral.

The Vaginal Pleasure

The systematic search of the vaginal orgasm can have disastrous consequences on women's sexuality. In seeking sensations that go against their personal sensitivity, some of them end up having blockages that can lead to a true frigidity.

Result of surveys on female masturbation further support the idea of physical pleasure above all linked to the clitoris. Contrary to what many men believe, there is a tiny minority of women who resort to practices of auto-erotic penetration (whether with fingers or objects)! Most frequently used "Techniques" are manual stimulation of the clitoris, and possibly surrounding areas (pressure around the vagina, touching the labia minora …)

The frigidity

We distinguish Primary Frigidity: there has never been an orgasm
and Secondary Frigidity: orgasm has disappeared

Primary Frigidity

The female sexual fulfillment is reached after 10 years of experience (about 25-30 years).
Primary disorders of desire are often aroused by ideas which pejoratively consider sexuality, the body or the intimacy. The woman tries to control her feelings and emotions to protect herself.
It can be also caused by sensory phobias (irrational fears), an inhibition caused by bans acquired through education or (and) religion, an unknown or taboo masturbation, not providing any pleasure, or finally by a fantasies poverty.

Secondary Frigidity

It is a disinvestment of the sexual relationship as a result of a disappointment other than sexual. One must break the communication. Emotions are present at the start, but if the physical is not sticking to the emotions immediately when the love feeling diminishes, sexuality loses its meaning. The sentimental side of the relationship is often predominant in females in contrast to men. Psychological frigidity may be due to fatigue, stress, a more or less depressive-drive failure or absence of motivation. It may result from a gynecology and obstetrics event: contraception, rape, abortion, pregnancy, infertility, hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) or menopause.

Marital Frigidity

A clumsy, too rushed or inexperienced partner may be the cause, in fact most women do not reach orgasm before the 8th or 10th minute. It may also arouse from a marital conflict.


Secondary frigidity, especially, can be illustrated by lower estrogen, or an excess of progesterone and Prolactin. A medical examination is always necessary to find the local anomaly (infection, double vagina, shrinkage of the vulvar orifice etc.) The treatment will depend on the cause. As a first step, it is important to exclude organic causes (physical) such as diabetes, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular, infections, toxic (alcohol, drugs) or drugs (psychotropic, anti-hypertensives, etc.). In addition, disorders of sexual functioning may be part of a psychiatric disease (psychosis, neurosis, depression) which should be treated. Finally, if sexual symptoms appear to be the only cause, a sexotherapy can be proposed. Herbal therapy seems also to be an effective and safe solution.
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