Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Golden Retriever Puppy Training Gone Wrong - A Terrible Story To Learn From

Dear Golden Retriever Parents and Friends, today I am writing on a rather sad subject which happens all over the world on a regular basis.
Some time ago I was asked to help a couple who own a two year old dog who doesn't come when called.
At my first visit I met a wonderful, easy going, biddable youngster who seemed a bit shy when I reached out to pet him.
His owners explained that he had been to puppy classes when he was still a baby and that the trainer had severely reprimanded him several times for being "dominant" and unresponsive.
In her attempt to intimidate him and show him who's boss she had actually caused him to bite her twice! After that she had put a ping collar on him so that he would be more manageable.
I taught the owners how to use the whistle training to get him to come when called and went to see them again on Thursday this week.
After we had talked for a while we went outside so that they could show me how their dog behaved when called.
Now I saw the cause of the problem! He was hand shy and afraid of being put on the lead.
This fear caused him to run away and not come when called! His owners had never caused him any physical or emotional harm so they were very surprised at my diagnosis.
But then they were able to relate his fear to the treatment he had to endure as a puppy when the trainer had overpowered him severely.
I felt so sorry for all three of them.
In their attempt to get things right from the start they had actually caused their little friend to be traumatized by the rough handling of the trainer they had trusted.
Please, be careful when you take your Golden or Golden puppy to classes and do make sure that no one top dogs them in any way.
Don't fall for the myth that your youngster is being disobedient because he wants to dominate you - it just isn't true! Golden Retrievers were bred to be very willing to please and easy to guide.
When they misbehave they are not trying to question our authority, they are just doing what they think is right at the time.
In that they just like us.
It is our responsibility to help them understand and do what is best for all of us.
And we can do it in a gentle and friendly way.
So, give your Golden friend a big hug from me and tell him how much you love him! From all of us here at Anzhausen, Germany Martina, Sunshine and puppy Sweetheart
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