What exactly is blanket weed? This is a type of algae that is successful in dominating the environment. It spreads by breaking off parts of its structure in order to spread in new areas. If you say that you want to kill blanket weed, then we would fully understand this. It can be very troublesome for any individual that is experiencing it. Not to mention it can cause harm to the fish in the water and make the pond look ugly, which is not what you intended.
It is able to adapt to the ever changing environment. There are different types of this week. This is a term that was given to algae that behave and look identical. The most common are Oedogonium, Cladophora and Spirogyra.
Many know that Cladophora is a simply term that means branched plant. It is capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually. If you have koi in the pond where this type of algae is forming, we understand that you are concerned about the health of the fish. So, the main question here would be - does it put the fish at risk?
When there is a thing covering going over areas of the pond, the koi fish will enjoy it. There are many individuals that tell us it can lead to improved water conditions. However, if the algae has grown to several feet in length, the koi will not find it so appealing. Believe it or not, blanketweed also gives an excellent nursery for protecting those developing fish and feeding them. However, it can also be a hazard for those week swimmers, so you need to find a way to kill it.
This is an aquatic curse that we fall under when we have a pond. You can only blame yourself, because it will grow when it finds the conditions suitable. Below, we are going to go over some conditions that will cause blanketweed to thrive.
First of all, blanketweed will thrive if you have clear water that the sunlight can penetrate. Those murky ponds will rarely suffer from this problem. When we have a pond that is filters and clear, we are removing the algae and the clay.
This will leave our water exposed and ready for this weed to come in and attack. The sunlight is needed in order to fuel it. By giving our fish clear water conditions, we will be leaving ourselves exposed to a big attack of blanket weed.
When the weather warms up, this is going to cause the algae growth to accelerate. Take note that the blanketweed is going to be the greatest in those areas that are shallow. In the winter months, the cool water prevents it from growing.
In order to control it, you will need to reduce the nutrients, sunlight and put it at a suitable temperature that blanketweed does not like. If you have koi, then they are stimulated and grow more in warm water, so you should at least find a way to dissolve the nutrients and reduce the sunlight.
It is able to adapt to the ever changing environment. There are different types of this week. This is a term that was given to algae that behave and look identical. The most common are Oedogonium, Cladophora and Spirogyra.
Many know that Cladophora is a simply term that means branched plant. It is capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually. If you have koi in the pond where this type of algae is forming, we understand that you are concerned about the health of the fish. So, the main question here would be - does it put the fish at risk?
When there is a thing covering going over areas of the pond, the koi fish will enjoy it. There are many individuals that tell us it can lead to improved water conditions. However, if the algae has grown to several feet in length, the koi will not find it so appealing. Believe it or not, blanketweed also gives an excellent nursery for protecting those developing fish and feeding them. However, it can also be a hazard for those week swimmers, so you need to find a way to kill it.
This is an aquatic curse that we fall under when we have a pond. You can only blame yourself, because it will grow when it finds the conditions suitable. Below, we are going to go over some conditions that will cause blanketweed to thrive.
First of all, blanketweed will thrive if you have clear water that the sunlight can penetrate. Those murky ponds will rarely suffer from this problem. When we have a pond that is filters and clear, we are removing the algae and the clay.
This will leave our water exposed and ready for this weed to come in and attack. The sunlight is needed in order to fuel it. By giving our fish clear water conditions, we will be leaving ourselves exposed to a big attack of blanket weed.
When the weather warms up, this is going to cause the algae growth to accelerate. Take note that the blanketweed is going to be the greatest in those areas that are shallow. In the winter months, the cool water prevents it from growing.
In order to control it, you will need to reduce the nutrients, sunlight and put it at a suitable temperature that blanketweed does not like. If you have koi, then they are stimulated and grow more in warm water, so you should at least find a way to dissolve the nutrients and reduce the sunlight.