Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Best Way to Make Sure Your Dog Gets Enough Exercise

Doctors today advise humans to spend around 30 minutes daily in some type of mild to moderate exercise, like walking or even running to assist in cardiac and joint health and vitality.
It can be shown that people who do so stay healthy longer than those with a more sedentary (read that as couch potato) lifestyle.
Trouble is - most of us humans prefer our comfort over activity we want to take the easy way out all of the time.
But unlike humans - dogs actually LOVE exercise! Just watch a dog run after a ball and notice that they do not hold back, they run at 100% pace to catch it! And Dogs actually NEED exercise for their health and vitality.
As a bonus ensuring that they get enough daily exercise will go a long way towards the prevention of many of the bad behaviours that people find most annoying about dog ownership, like constant barking, digging or escape or the destruction of your favourite items! Just try spending about 20 - 30 minutes per day (great for you too) walking - or vigorously playing with a fetch toy with your dog or dogs you WILL notice a difference.
If possible combine that with something that you do daily like a trip to the Post Office so that you establish a routine for yourself and the dog.
Once established you will find that the dog begins to expect the trip and the walk and starts to ask you for it - a great motivator for the days when you may not quite feel like going.
On that subject though - remember that you are the boss and if not practical or you have other plans - don't make it that there's no flexibility for yourself; sometimes a simple game inside or else even a total day off will just have to do.
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