Health & Medical Women's Health

There is Something Growing in the Moist Parts of Your Body!

The body normally has a good amount of beneficial bacteria which helps it keep the growth of yeast-like fungus called "candida" to a tolerable level.
But when this balance is off, the body can experience an overgrowth of candida in its moist areas, including the stomach and intestines.
When this happens, a person can suffer from a number of maladies.
When a person has an infection, a diet for candida should be considered to help the body in combating the fungi growth.
The three to six-week diet must eliminate foods that promote candida growth, including processed and sugary foods.
Foods, such a cheese and fermented foods that have yeast and mold must also be avoided.
Even starchy and alcoholic food and beverages must also be avoided because their sugar component that fuels fungi growth.
The list of not-to-eat foods on a diet for candida may seem daunting, but it actually is very healthy for the body.
Your body will thank you for eliminating processed foods in your diet that are not really healthy for you in the first place.
The diet includes eating more meat, vegetables and whole grain.
Eggs and beans are good, too.
There are numerous healthy and delicious foods that you can still enjoy while on the diet.
In addition to the diet, you can also take supplements that can help the body get the candida back in tolerable levels.
You can get such supplements from your doctor or at health food stores.
Supplements that have live beneficial bacteria, known as Probiotics, can also come in pills and help the body gain back a healthy balance.
Aside from the diet and supplements, going on a moderate exercise program will also help sufferers gain back a healthy body faster and can also help in reducing weight.
A lot of those who undergo the diet swear experiencing an increase in energy and no longer feel fatigued, making it easier to go on an exercise program.
If you want to get rid of candida infection symptoms for life, it is advisable for you to maintain a candida-free diet to deter future candida overgrowth.
The diet will not only help get rid of symptoms that include irritable bowel disease, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic ear infections, asthma, and attention deficit disorder, it will also help you maintain an overall healthy physical condition that will help your body maintain a natural balance.
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