Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Exercise As We Get Older Helps With Mobility

Old age can be made easier if you are of sound mind and of good health.
The mind is a complex machine and we don't have a lot of control over its state.
We can help keep the brain active to a degree with brain testing puzzles like suduko and crosswords.
Fitness of the body is another matter.
Keeping the body active is an ability that we can control whatever our circumstance.
If we can avoid it we don't want the indignity of not being able to tie our own shoelaces or put on our own socks as we get older.
Fitness and exercise will almost certainly help.
So as we get older we should pay more attention to having regular daily exercise.
This may not be possible to you everyday, what with modern lifestyles, but you should make it possible to yourself at least 2 days a week.
This may mean getting up a bit earlier in the morning but it will be well worth it.
You could combine the 2 days that you spend doing very active exercise like walks, runs, swims, with exercises you can do at home on the other 4-5 days.
Like stretching, believe it or not, stretching is very important as you get older, or movement exercises such as lifting the knees, arms legs up into the air several times for a set period.
Maybe walking up the stairs 10 times.
Its amazing the different ways you can exercise around the home.
I suppose its how inventive you are.
A bag of sugar place in a saucepan makes a great lifting weight that makes good arm exercises.
Exercise is a great way to improve our happiness, because Endorphins are released by the brain during periods of brisk physical exercise.
Endorphins have been proven, I believe, to help fight depression and periods of lowness that you can feel with being stuck indoors for long periods of time.
Exercises like table tennis, badminton and tennis also help with hand to eye coordination which is also important as we get older, But some say that the best part to come from exercise is its a great stress reliever and if you're concentrating on your exercise you won't have time to think of all you're other worries.
Try not to be like the guy who said, IF I'M HEALTHY, I DON'T NEED EXERCISE, IF I'M ILL, I CAN'T DO EXERCISE.
Remember if you do exercise, don't over do it all at once.
Take it slowly at first and always try to make it fun and enjoyable.
You are much likelier to stick to exercising if you actually enjoy the exercising.
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