- 1). Measure the height and width of the table saw's fence.
- 2). Cut four sections of one-by-six to 13 inches long, and another to 12 inches long. Rip three of the four 13-inch sections to the same measurement as the width of the fence you determined in the previous step. Rip the fourth 13-inch section to a width equal to the height of the saw fence plus 2 1/4 inches. Finally, rip the 12-inch board to a width of 3 inches.
- 3). Align the three evenly matched 13-inch boards so that all edges are flush. Fasten the boards together into a block using glue and screws.
- 4). Attach the wide 13-inch-long board to the side of this block, with the top and sides flush with the edges of the block. This board should cover the three exposed edges of the boards comprising the block, and should protrude downward below the block at a distance equaling the height of the table saw's fence. Attach to the block using glue and screws.
- 5). Position the block on top of the saw fence, with the protruding board hugging the right side of the fence. Align the piece of plywood against the left side of the fence and the block, with one of the 13-inch edges flat on the table. Attach the plywood to the block using glue and screws.
- 6). Test the movement of the assembly by pushing it forward and back along the fence. The jig should move smoothly with no play. Make any adjustments to the pieces necessary to ensure smooth action along the fence.
- 7). Position the 12-inch board vertically, flat against the left side of the plywood, flush with the edge of the plywood closest to the front of the saw to form a stop to guide the workpiece. Attach this stop to the plywood using glue, and a few screws. Do not place any screws in the bottom 4 inches of the stop, as these may interfere with the saw blade on some tenon cuts.