Family & Relationships Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender

What Counts as Cheating in Gay Relationships?

When it comes to dating and relationships one of the most complicated issues is cheating. But in gay relationships, what counts as cheating?

For some people the lines are pretty clear, but for others there are gray areas.

For a lot of couples, kissing and anything beyond are clearly no go zones. However, some couples are comfortable with the occasional kiss here or there.

Others are fine with exploring outside a relationship as long as the issue is discussed beforehand and everyone is comfortable and safe.

For same sex-couples boundaries can present particular challenges. For example, if you are having a sleepover with your best friend, is it cool if you share a bed?

Really, the best thing to do, is to talk to your honey and be clear about what you are and are not comfortable with. Ideally, you'll be on the same page, and if not hopefully you will be able to compromise on this issue.

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