Family & Relationships Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender

Brokeback Mountain Collector"s Edition DVD Rating

The Bottom Line

Brokeback Mountain, the instant classic and gay favorite won three Oscars in 2006 for Best Director (Ang Lee), Best Music Score (Gustavo Santaolalla), and Best Writing-Adapted Screenplay (Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana). Now the Collector's Edition DVD hits the streets just in time for the 2007 Academy Awards.

  • New DVD Extras, including
  • On Being a Cowboy with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal

  • Score Commentary w/ Soundtrack Musicians
  • From Screen to Print Adaptation, and
  • 8 Collectible Post Cards

  • Late Release

  • Two-disk set with extra bonus features.
  • Collectible postcards.
  • Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal prepare to play cowboys.

Guide Review - Brokeback Mountain Collector's Edition DVD

Brokeback Mountain solicited reactions of epic proportions from fans and critics alike the moment it was released. The gay cowboy tale received instant classic status.

Few tired of Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal's sensual embraces, the striking mountain scenery or the tear-filled journey through unspeakable and intangible love.

The new Brokeback Mountain Collector's Edition DVD two-disk set makes reliving the powerful tale even better with new commentaries and 8 collectible postcards. It's obvious the folks at Focus/Universal didn't just want this CD to sit in your rack, they wanted to solicit more of an emotion connection. One of the postcards even comes pre-stamped from Jack to Ennis with a heart-felt message.

The new commentaries include "Music From The Mountain" (featuring musicians from the soundtrack), "Impression From The Film" (a montage of photo stills), and "A Groundbreaking Success" (a commentary of the film's emotional impact).

The Brokeback Mountain Collector's Edition DVD is a must-have addition to any movie fans collection and the extra bonus features trump the previous DVD versions.

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