Michelle Clunie Plays Lesbian Melanie on Queer as Folk:
Michelle Clunie was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. Of her upbringing she says, "I'm from Oregon and my parents were, like, beatniks, so I grew up very Bohemian. To me the idea of discrimination and people having problems with anyone else's sexuality just blows my mind."
Michelle Clunie is a gifted dancer:
Clunie accepted a scholarship to the Academy of Professional Ballet and performed with the company until she turned her attention to acting.
Michelle Clunie's other Acting Credits:
Michelle Clunie on Playing a Lesbian on TV:
Clunie says she's experienced some prejudice just for playing a lesbian on TV. She was at a dinner party once when the host started talking about how she couldn't stand seeing lesbians at a bed & breakfast she stayed in in Vermont. Clunie says she "went off" on this woman and left before dinner was served.
Michelle Clunie on the importance of Queer as Folk:
As the final season of Queer as Folk airs, Michelle Clunie said in Curve Magazine, "I think when I look back, I'll look back on the letters we've received from kids who live in small towns across America. I feel like that's who we're doing the show for."
Is Michelle Clunie a Lesbian?:
In Curve magazine Clunie says, "I don't want people to think I'm some symbol of the lesbian community, because I'm not a lesbian myself. I don't want people to think that I'm saying I know more than they do about their own lives."
Learn about Thea Gill: Lindsay on Queer as Folk.