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Susan Miller on 2011

On Retrogrades
When a planet retrogrades, he’s a little drunk. And you’re trying to wake him up. But he’s stammering and babbling and we say you’re not making any sense. He’s no use when he’s retrograde. Jupiter goes retrograde every year for 5 months or so.

Part of that time, Jupiter was direct in Aries last summer – now you’ll have all good months. Jupiter will be moving so fast and be so very robust.

My advice is to be decisive when opportunity comes. Catch the ball and run with it, because you will not in some cases, be given a second chance. When Jupiter is in Aries, air and fire signs will get tremendous support.
Jupiter Taurus
Other signs (earth and water) get their chance when Jupiter goes into Taurus, so don’t worry, there’s something for everyone.
When Will the Recession End?
It won’t end until Saturn leaves Libra in Oct 2012. A lot of my friends ask me this and I tell them, Saturn wants to create change and we are creatures of habit. So knowing that Saturn is going to be there so long, it’s saying try something new.

Try new tools to deal with what’s going on. You cannot rely on things you used to use so well. With Saturn, we soon see we’ve wasted valuable time. Saturn retrogrades starting January 26th to June 12th. So that’s when you might see that there’s a need to go back to school for refresher courses, or have a new attitude.

Don’t fall into a trap of saying, “I’m too old for this,” because that’s unproductive.

You have to say, “I’m going to try something new – when you adapt that attitude, Saturn really helps you.”

With Saturn, I’ve found you don’t need the answers, but you need the right questions. Then people come to you, and they say the same question occurred to me and here’s what I did. There’s nothing more inspiring than to see someone trying really hard.
Energy attracts energy.
With Saturn in retrograde so long, continue with this process of reinventing yourself and your approach. We’re all in the same boat. Many of us have been hit by news we didn’t expect.

Like if a boyfriend or girlfriend is transferred somewhere else, we have to be flexible and resourceful and have an attitude of “I can do this. I’m an intelligent person.”
Summer Eclipses of 2011
This summer we’re going to be challenged with three eclipses in a row, 2 weeks apart. The first is in Gemini, on June 1st and it’s a New Moon, so that’s kind of nice. The next is more emotional, on June 15th, and the one after that is a difficult one. It’s a New Moon/Solar eclipse on July 1st. I like New Moons because they open up new paths and new opportunities.

New Moons tend to be less emotional than a Full Moon. So in essence, we’re going to see a lot of change this summer, beginning with airport security and containers –- Gemini rules aviation and shipping. I think we’re going to be having a tightening of security increasingly.
Cardinal Eclipse, July 1st
The eclipses are mixed, but the last one is the same eclipse that occurred in 1992, at the same degree. Sometimes it’s good to look back, and that fell on June 30th that year. It’s very cardinal, a big cross and that tends to bring things to a head – to break a situation down that’s not working.

Pluto is on the other side in Capricorn, but you’ve got Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries. It just means something is going to be swept away that’s not working.

It’s also close to the US birthday (July 4th), and that’s usually a wake up call. We realize we have to do something or correct something. The eclipse is going to look for weak link and find it so you can fix it.
Eclipses, Tough Love
Eclipses really are your friend, though they have this tough love attitude. I think of Lassie barking away, pulling on the apron and creating an urgent situation where you can’t say I’m cooking now and will just put that off.
Jupiter and Pluto
At the end of February, they square each other. The Jupiter square prompts you to ask, How is your endeavor going? Do you have to put more money into it, more capital, put out a new product, or do you want to leave it altogether? It’s a benchmark moment to decide what to do.

By July 7th, Jupiter and Pluto are in a trine, moving at direct speed. That’s an exciting day that could be good for most people financially.

When Jupiter is in Aries, the spirit of entrepreneurship is in the air. The green grass is growing, and we feel like we’re talking steps out of recession. There’s another trine of Jupiter-Pluto on October 28th. This is never a bad aspect, but Jupiter will be retrograde, so he won’t deliver as many gifts as he did in July. It’s right after a New Moon. There’s lots more energy and we’ll notice it, and it could have uplifting effects on markets.
On Job Trends
The figures they’re showing right now seem off the mark. I’m suspicious about the latest figures (as of January 11, 2011) because of the eclipse December 21st (2010). We could see a lot of companies unable to carry payroll, and then we have those hired just for Christmas, but that won’t continue. There will be a wobble here.

I do think things are getting better, especially in the first half of the year. Money will be reaching small businesses. They are our hope for the future and yet everyone’s complaining, I can’t get a loan. In those first months of this year, they will get loans if they qualify.
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter rules real estate, and that is giving me hope. Saturn is in the US chart in the 4th House -- the inventory is high and a lot of houses won’t get sold. That’s a drag on the economy, slowing everything down. But Taurus rules buying and selling houses and that’s great.

And Jupiter in Gemini is going to be such a shot in the arm beginning in mid-June 2012. The end of 2012 sounds like another country, but mid 2012 doesn’t sound so far away.

Anyone looking to start their own business should know the rules and regulations well – learn industry standards and government rules for your field.
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