Business & Finance Outsourcing

Outsourcing Your Copywriting: One Of The Better Stress Management Tips Or Not?

Stress management tips and relevant training in how to use them have taken a prominent place as part of the staff benefits package in many big companies.
If you are a small business owner you may have to become creative in how you manage not only your stress but those of your employees as well.
The ultimate benefit is less revenue lost to sickness/absence due to work related stress.
One of the main stress management tips a small business owner can employ is outsourcing.
However, they would have to think very carefully about what they are willing to contract out and at what benefit or cost.
Many choose copy writing and writing for the web as the task they are most willing to outsource, but is that a good decision or not? As with anything else there are benefits and drawbacks to outsourcing any aspect of your business.
Outsourcing writing for the web and copy writing Benefits One: It frees up your time to do other tasks Writing for the web and copy writing can be a time consuming task and is not something many people like to do.
For small business owners or self-employed persons freeing up themselves to complete other tasks by delegating or outsourcing anything would be an absolute godsend.
A definite plus! Two: It saves you time Small business owners and self-employed persons have so much to do on a daily basis that anything they could do to save themselves some time is welcome.
Finding time saving methods to complete tasks is identified as one of the better stress management tips.
Three: You can have quality content quickly One of the main reasons many marketers and business people pay other people to do their copy writing and writing for the web is so they can have access to the content they need quickly.
Many copywriters and ghostwriters provide deadlines or time frames for specific pieces of work and often try to work to deadlines set by the person purchasing the work.
In some cases work can be delivered within a few days of it being outsourced and it can be of very good quality.
Drawbacks One: Costs can add up The cost of hiring a freelance writer to do your copy writing or writing for the web for your business can range from a US$5 dollars to US$30,000 depending on what you want them to do.
Even at the lower end costs can quickly add up, so any plans to pursue this course of action needs to be clearly thought through and budgeted for.
Two: You have less control over the quality of the content Sourcing good quality writers can be difficult and you may have to 'kiss a few frogs' before you 'meet your prince'.
Even then you have little control over the quality of the content you paid for as you can give the writer guidelines to work by but there is no guarantee what you will get back as the writer may have taken on a lot of work and in order to deliver on time may skimp on the quality.
Three: Your favorite writer may not be available when you need them One of the problems businesses face if they manage to successfully outsource their copy writing or writing for the web is that they cannot control the external environment in which their chosen ghostwriter operates.
Unexpected incidents, holidays, illnesses, childcare issues etc.
could mean that your writer is not available when you need them.
If you do not have a backup plan you may find yourself in need of some other stress management tips.
Four: You are not building knowledge and skills in house Outsourcing any aspects of one's business generally has consequences, in this case getting someone else to write your content often means that staff already in your employ won't get the opportunity to develop or exercise this skill or any knowledge in this area of marketing which may be beneficial to your business in future.
Five: Failure to deliver The inability to control your writer's external environment may mean that content you ordered and possibly paid for in advance may not be delivered on time.
Issues like taking on too much work, sickness, family commitments or holidays can affect the delivery of your content when you need them.
This can be extremely stressful especially if your content was for a specific promotion.
Deciding whether to use outsourcing of your copy writing and writing for the web as one of your stress management tips needs to be thought through.
Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of this decision can be quite helpful in your decision making and help you to think through other areas that may be more suited to outsourcing in your business.
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